Chapter 54

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I was brought back to awareness by the sensation of something brushing against my cheek. I was laying on something soft and warm. I felt it again. The brushing of fingers on my face. I kept my eyes closed, enjoying it. The stroking became regular and a deep voice began to speak in a whisper.

"If only you knew how much you meant to me. You're my world."

"And you're mine." I allowed my eyes to flutter open and meet Thorin's

glacier blue ones, "How did I get here?"

"You fell asleep in my lap last night and I didn't have the heart to wake you."

"We'll it's hard work, carrying your children."

"I know and I'm not blaming you."

The two of us spent the early hours of the morning in bed cuddling but at last, a servant came to remind Thorin about his meeting with Johannes.

"What are you going to do on your first official day as queen?"

"Stay in bed all day."


"Yep! Maybe do some sewing or reading. I really don't feel like doing anything big other than eat. I feel like my stomach is digesting itself."

"Alright." Thorin got dressed quickly, "Wait here."

"Where are you going?" He didn't answer. Eleanor came in not long after he left.

"Is there anything I can do for your mistress?"

"Not right now." She turned to leave.

"Wait! Do you know where Thorin has gone?"

"No, I'm sorry your highness."

"Do not worry, you may go. I will send for you if I have need of you." She nodded shyly and left.

I pulled myself up into a sitting position, leaning against the giant, soft pillows behind me. I was queen now. This was the last thing I ever expected to happen to me. I was queen and pregnant with the King's heirs. What was I doing? I had no idea how to run a kingdom! Surely if Thorin were to fall ill, I would be expected to take his place!

I was so worried, I barely noticed when Thorin came back nearly ten minutes later.

"My love, what's wrong?" He began to panic, "Is it the


"No. They're fine."

"Then what's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong."

"Love, a stranger could tell that you're lying. Tell me what's wrong."

"Being queen was the last thing I ever expected to happen to me. What if you get sick and I have to take over? I haven't the first idea how to run a kingdom!"

"Is this what's troubling you?"

"Yes." Thorn grinned.


"If I fall too sick to rule, Fili will be the one to take over, not you. Now eat." He placed a tray of food on my lap.

"You left to get me breakfast?"

"Of course! You said you were hungry. Now eat while I put on my robes."

"Do you need help?"

"No. Eat." Defeated, I did as he told me.

I spent the better part of the morning in bed knitting. I finished a dress I had started a few days ago and started in a new one. Wani came in at about eleven, looking suspiciously out of breath, to talk. She claimed that she had run all over Erebor looking for me but her disheveled hair told another story, especially when Fili poked his head in a few minutes later, in a similar state.

"There you are. I've been looking for you."

"Oh! Hi lo- Fili."

"You gonna come with me or do you want me to leave you here?"


"Why don't you go with him Wani." My voice was laced with amusement and my best friend sent me a death glare.

"Fine. I will." She walked right over to Fili, gave him a very exaggerated kiss, wrapped an arm around his shoulders and walked out. I rolled my eyes, If she was trying to gross me out she failed miserably. I had a servant bring me lunch a couple hours later and after that, I got up to take a bath. I had just finished tying up the laces on my dress when a piercing scream reached my ears from the hallway. Despite what Thorin said to me about being careful, I ran to the door and threw it open. Tauriel and Kili were right outside their bedroom door. On the floor.

"Oh yes!" Tauriel cried.

"What's wrong?" They both looked up and turned red.

"This lovely elleth just agreed to be mine." Kili said.

"That's wonderful! Sorry, I heard you scream and I thought someone had been murdered."

"She tackled me so I couldn't breathe." Kili offered. I rolled my eyes.

Thorin didn't come back until late and when he did he looked very tired.

"I forgot how much work my grandfather had to do. Running a kingdom is hard."

"What did you expect love?"

"So what have you been up to?"

"Nothing much. A bit of sewing, a bit of napping. And you're going to have an elf for a niece."


"Kili proposed to Tauriel. She screamed like she found a dead body."

"I wish I'd been here to hear that." Thorin grinned.

"No you don't. I ran for the door."

"From where?"

"The bathroom."

"Mereniver! That's too far for you to run, especially now, you know I don't want you straining yourself!" I groaned and rolled my eyes at him.

"Thorin, we're fine."

"But what about next time? Will your luck hold?"

"Thorin, I'm only-"

"Three months pregnant! Your first trimester is as good as over and that means that you're going to start getting bigger!"

"Watch it." I growled. Thorin realized he had gone too far.

"Oh my love. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." He came and sat next to me on the bed, wrapping an arm around me and pulling me in close. Despite my better judgment, I allowed myself to get lost in the warmth and security of his embrace. "How did things go today?"

"Smoothly. Johannes has been given a trading license but I'll spare you the details."

"No please, bore me away."

"You sure?"

"Yep! Alright, he's allowed to be here for two weeks every year."


"You were right about the stories though. He takes every chance he has. I escaped as soon as I could, leaving the poor guards to die of boredom."

"Well at the moment, I don't really care because you came back."

"And I intend to stay here for as long as I can." I cuddled even closer to his larger form.

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