Chapter 20

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Before you ask, no I did not write The Scene. Please don't ask, I don't write that sort of stuff. This is the morning after.

When I woke up the next morning, sun was streaming through the window. I tried to get up but I became aware of something wrapped around me from behind. I looked over my shoulder to see Thorin, still fast asleep. Not wanting to wake him, I tried to shift but that sparked pain in my lower abdomen, a reminder of the night before. Slowly, the events of last night came back to me, causing me to wince inwardly. The Company had most certainly heard us. I managed to turn myself so I was facing Thorin.

Thorin. Thorin.... wake up love, we have to go. Thorin just grumbled a bit and moved his arm so I could get up. Fine, if he won't wake up, then I'll just get up by myself. I swung my legs slowly off the bed and stood up. Our clothes were strewn all over the floor from the night before. It hurt to walk so I had a bit of a limp, no doubt he would ask about it and then feel guilty. It did not take long for me to get dressed and leave the room but when I did, I wished I hadn't. Everyone was up and sitting at the table, they all turned towards me when they heard the door open and most of the dwarves crossed their arms.

"What was that stunt you two pulled last night, Mereniver?" Kili demanded.

"Yeah, none of us slept a wink because of you and those who did had nightmares." Fili added. The dwarves continued to complain about how loud we had been and they were getting harder and harder to ignore. After ten minutes of it, I lost it.

"Would you all rather that we did it out here? Where you could see it? Are the two of us NOT soul mates?" That shut them up.

"Sorry. So, where's the lucky dwarf?"

"Still sleeping."

"Not for long." Fili and Kili picked up a rather large jug of water,

"Hey Mereniver, how about you provide us with some fun since you ruined most of our night? Make this water really, really cold but don't freeze it."

"What do you plan to do with it?"

"Give Uncle a rude awakening."

"I wouldn't recommend that, it will only put him in a bad mood and it will get the sheets soaked too."

"You can dry the bed off and as for Thorin's bad mood, you can probably do something about that too." Kili reasoned and winked at me. I felt my face burn at his implication.

"And we'll stop bugging you about last night if you do..." Fili persuaded.

"Fine." I cooled the water in the pitcher to almost frozen. As soon as I put my hand down, they took off for my room giggling with glee. I ran after them, ignoring the pain, so I could dry Thorin off as soon as possible. When I reached the room, I saw them both standing beside Thorin with both hands on the pitcher, one at the top and one at the base.



"THREE!" They both heaved upwards, upending the entire thing on his face and shirtless torso. Thorin woke up with a shout, spluttering.

"You two." He growled.

"Hi Uncle!" Fili said cheerfully.

"Did you have a nice night?"

"You must've, we could hear you." Fili added sweetly.

"Get. Out. Both of you. NOW!" Thorin shouted. The brothers fled the room laughing their heads off. "Mereniver! How could you let them do this to me?" He sounded like a complaining child. That did it, I broke down in laughter. I fell to the floor while Thorin sat up and crossed his arms., "Is this any way to treat your king?"

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