An Underwhelming Debut

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Chapter 1

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"The Chaos Theory: (...) The Chaos Theory states that within the apparent randomness of chaotic complex systems, there are underlying patterns, interconnection, constant feedback loops, repetition, self-similarity, fractals, and self-organization. In other words, much like the Butterfly Effect."

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New York City was definitely a sight. Everybody was roaming the streets, going about their daily lives. The neon emanated brightly from the building facades and storefronts. Colorful signs advertised the latest music records and dance videos in every direction. Towers made of platinum glass were farther away. Atop the tallest tower perched New York's newest villain; Lotus. Or, what everyone didn't know, (y/n). She was perhaps one of the most dangerous people in the state.

However, below the sewers, there are four certain turtles who possess a strength only slightly more powerful.

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Your POV

I eyed the streets of the bustling city.

I'll prove her wrong. I thought, sighing to myself quietly.

I was recently informed by a much higher power that I was weak. Useless. That I could never execute anything or anyone no matter how hard I try. It pissed me off. What was she thinking? That idiot doesn't know what she's talking about. I am so much stronger than she understands.

So many useless beings. Just walking, doing what they do. Pfft. Weak.

Focus! Find one alone. Take them out. Do the job. Prove her wrong.

I took a deep breath in and held it for however long. They say the exercise helps, but never once has it really worked for me. Maybe I was just convinced it was. I don't know.

Looking down from the building as I round the corner, I spot a teen. Human. Male. 17 years old, perhaps? Whatever he was, his back was turned as he took out some garbage; a black plastic bag tossed over his shoulder. The perfect target. Taking a leap down the building, I approached my target quietly. I felt the wind blow roughly in my face as I jumped.

I landed softly on the ground, taking a moment to catch my breath. Excitement ran through my veins. This was the perfect chance to prove myself. Reaching to my wrist, I pulled one of many sharp black daggers out of an elastic band. The weapons weren't comfortably propped on my arm 24/7, but it would do. I was nervous. My chest ached from the quick thrashing of my heart.

Ignore it.

I will not let this opportunity pass me by. This is my time to prove that I was capable of handling the task and that I am not a coward. I raised the blade.

In just a few moments, it was done. Over. The act had been committed.

I kept my eyes fixed on the dead, lifeless corpse lying motionless on the ground. A thick, crimson mixture covered him. God. I wanted to feel bad for the poor guy. I wanted to feel something; some regret for the unforgivable crime I just committed. I couldn't. There was no room. I have to keep reminding myself that this is all to prove her wrong.

I will prove her wrong.

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Days pass by. Overtime, I have become capable of eliminating multiple individuals in this overcrowded metropolis one by one. I know that she's seen my work. Believe me when I say that I am all over the place. The news, social media, street talk. Alas, despite receiving all of this sought and desired attention, someone still has yet to succeed in finding me and tracking me down. This is how I live. This is how I breathe. This is how I survive.

The Chaos Theory: Book One - DonnieWhere stories live. Discover now