Sparring Session

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Chapter Four

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Y/N's POV:

Smirking, I walked along the sidewalk aligned with trees. I had given him my real identity, and I was really hoping he'd noticed.

As of tomorrow, I will take part in my first duo sparring session with someone whose relationship with me I can't even identify. Was he an enemy? A friend? According to some previous side-talk, Donatello's brothers aren't even aware of our late-night meetings. The way I see it, we've met enough to be considered acquaintances at the minimum. What were we?

I plopped down on my couch, preparing my body for rest. I need it for the sparring session tomorrow. It was close to two in the morning now; earlier than I'd typically go for rest, but commitments have requirements.

Suddenly, my phone chimed. It was a text from Donatello.

💬-} Donnie : [ New Text ]

Wait. What was that contact name?


Rather than Donatello?

Hm. If he so prefers.

💬-} Donnie : [ what's your preferred location for training tomorrow? ]

My eyes narrowed.

👤-} Me : [ there's an abandoned park near my apartment. we can meet @ 11?]

💬-} Donnie : [ good with me :) ]

As I had promised, there was a vacant field close to my apartment. I texted Donnie the area's address, and he replied with a thumbs-up. I tossed my phone off of the couch and collapsed into bed, greatful for the soft mattress.

- - -

The next morning, as I awoke, the sky was illuminated by the beautiful song of birds. I rolled over onto my stomach and winced at the notion of having to get out of bed. I stretched my muscles and raised my arms as the sun came up, finally finding the strength to stand. I glanced at my alarm-


I scrambled out of bed, rushing to find my suit that I had tossed in the washer and dryer last night. Grabbing it out of the machine, I caught a whiff of lavender scented detergent. Very floral. Shoving the black and neon suit on, I pulled my hair back and set off for the abandoned field.

- - -

So much as a few moments later, I find Donnie sitting by a tree, scrolling mindlessly on his phone. I kick some dirt on his face to get his attention.

"Good morning," I greeted him, leaning against the tree.

"Good morning," Donnie grumbled. He rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand, shielding them from the sun; almost as if the brightness was new to him. He angrily wiped the dirt off of his face.

Donnie was wearing his purple battle shell, as usual. His Tech-Bo sat by his side as the purple turtle awaited my word of instruction.

"So, are you ready? I'll warn you. I actually got some decent sleep. You might not stand a chance against me this time." I joked around with Donnie, punching his shoulder lightly.

"Oh, this time?" Donnie smirked. "We'll see."

With a swift movement, the softshell in front of me quickly picked himself up off the ground and positioned himself in a fighting stance, his weapon at his side. I, as well, was armed with my own sharp daggers.

Before I could even spit out some stupid corny line, Donnie had already plummeted towards me with his titanium staff.

Donnie's weapon collided with my blade with a loud clang, as I jumped backwards in an attempt to lessen the impact. He tried several times to strike me with his weapon, but I managed to avoid them. I aimed my blade's dull end towards his shoulder and ribcage, digging them deep into his bones while blocking his Tech-Bo.

Even though Donnie stumbled a little, he refused to give up. Instead, though, this said genius smirked and mocked me.

"I can handle pain. Come on. Be serious." I muttered.

As he stood above me, a mischievous smile quickly adorned his face as he looked away.

"Sure thing. Like this?"

My hand quickly captured what was supposed to be an elongated Tech-Bo into my shoulder. I seized the end of it and flung it upside down, knocking my opponent to the ground; his weapon now in my hands.

"Hm ... Like what?" I smirked at Donnie, who was now collapsed in defeat on the damp grass of the deserted field.

Donnie turned to face me and grinned in return. I unexpectedly sensed damp ground beneath me- he had knocked me to the ground with a single quick swing of his legs!


Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Donnie observing me as I irritably wiped dirt off my suit.

"Was that really necessary?" I asked him.

"Of course it wasn't. I just wanted to watch you fall," He chuckled, "It was entertaining after getting my own a$$ kicked that quickly. Oh, I'll admit, I should have recognized that strategy. It's a classic. Good spar, (y/n). Good spar."

Part of me had forgotten that I'd given my opponent my name; it felt weird. Different.

I shook my head at him. "Sure. Whatever makes you happy." I teased with a soft smile.

- - -

For a minute, we both sat there, regaining our breaths. It was still early in the morning- or, afternoon, now. The sun was at its normal level. The birds still sing that same exact song. Sweat trickled down my forehead. For the breezy weather right now, fighting sure can increase the temperature.

I finally managed to get myself off the ground after what seemed like an eternity. "We're not far from my apartment. If you would like anything, I have some food and drinks there." I suggested.

My opponent sat quietly for a couple of moments. He nodded, using his Tech-Bo as support to stand up. "... You know what? Sure. Just this once."


words: 1014

hello! apologies for the extremely late chapter. writers block.

**in the upcoming chapter(s), somebody finds out that (y/n) hasn't really been giving up her 'elimination' gig like he thought she has...** cough cough foreshadowing

anyways, good night to all of ya' :)

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