꧁VII: They got no sleep꧂

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They got no sleep

Finney Blake -

Finney decided it was a good idea to not get almost any sleep last night. He kept almost falling asleep in class but caught himself every time. During lunch he was just sleeping. After school you and Finn were going to hang out and do some fun shit but you decided to just take him home and sleep. " Hey , Star , where are we going? This isn't the way to the movies.. " Finney sounded so tired but he still wanted to have fun and hang out with you. ( not like that you weirdos ) " To my house. You're to tired to function , love. " , " No I'm not! " Finney tried to protest. " Yes you are. " , " Yes I am. " Once you got to your house you handed Finney some of your brothers old comfy clothes to change into and you went to change to. Once you went downstairs you say Finney  standing at your shelf of movies. " What ya' doin , love? " you asked him , gently laying your hand on his shoulders. " picking out a movie. " He turned to look at you with a soft tired little smile. He ended up grabbing a horror movie because he thought that would keep him awake. " Finney , you do know this is a horror movie . Right? " you asked him. " I know. I think it will keep me awake. " Finney handed you the movie to put on and sat down on the couch. After setting up the movie you layed down on the couch , inviting Finn to lay down on you. After about five minutes it's into the movie you realized Finney was dead asleep. You quietly laughed and began to softly play with his hair. After a bit the murderer killed another victim which caused you to slightly jump. Finney groaned a bit at the sudden movement. " Oh , sorry , love , did I wake you? " Your tone was barely a whisper , close to nothing. " No , don't worry about it . " Finns voice was a tad raspy and it was a nice morning voice ( imagine bro 🥴 ) " Ok , just go back to sleep. " Finney gladly listened and fell back asleep while you turned down the volume a bit. Eventually you also fell asleep so yeah-

Robin Arellano -

Robin pulled an all nighter with Finney last night for I don't even know what reason. " Babe , are you alright? " what the hell was I asking , he doesn't even look alive ( because he isn't 🤗 /j ) " I'm fine. " He yawned once more , resting his head onto my shoulder." this is what you get for pulling an all nighter. " I sighed , being annoyed that he was denying his obvious tired state. " We're going home. " , " My home or your home?? " , " Mine , now come on. " you gently grabbed his hand and lead him to your house. Your dad luckily wasn't home which saved your ass. " Bed now. " You demanded. Robin wouldn't listen because he was ' to uncomfortable. ' I get why tho. He was wearing jeans which aren't the most comfortable things to sleep in. " Fine. Take these , there some random ones I found in my closet. I don't think there mine. " you tossed him a pair of pants and he went to the bathroom and changed. Once he came back , I was laying on my bed , my arms open , gesturing for him to come here. Robin practically RAN to my arms , gladly hoping into them and laying down. He's face met the crook of my neck , his arms gently wrapping around my waist. My arms curled around his neck , gently pulling his hair into a bun so he wouldn't get to sweaty. Robin almost immediately fell asleep after I started playing with his hair and anytime I stopped, he would squeeze me.

Bruce Yamada -

Bruce stayed up all night last night thinking of ways to become better at baseball( bros already good ). You and your friends ( plus Bruce ) were hanging out and you kept noticing Bruce sleepily laying his head on your shoulder. " Charmmm , can we pleasee go homee? " his voice was raspy and sleepy, it was adorable. " Ok , Fine. " you said your goodbyes to your friends and you and Bruce went to your house. Once you got in , Bruce immediately went to your room and he almost instantly fell onto your bed . " Tired... " Bruce mumbled. " I can see that , dear. ". You have Bruce some more comfortable sleep pants. You turned around allowing him to change which he did. Bruce stood up and walked over to you , wrapping his hands around your waist and carrying you to bed. (Mans to tired to not have his cuddles) Bruce laying his head on top of your stomach , his arms wrapped around your torso while he peacefully slept.

Vance Hopper -

This dumbass found out that one of his friends had a pinball machine and he stayed up all night playing the game. He slept almost all day during school accept for third hour where he came up to you in the hall , resting his head on your neck and his arms wrapped around your waist. " Home. " Vance's voice was super raspy and tired sounding so you just listened , taking him home. After he stole some pants out of your closet and changed into them , he almost instantly asked for cuddles. ( not nicely tho 🙄) " Dollface , cuddles , now. " , " Do I have a choice? " you jokingly asked walking over to your bed , waiting for Vance to jump on you and crush you. But he didn't do that. Partially. Instead Vance very carefully climbed onto you , placing his head under your chin and wrapped his arms around your waist. You began to play with his hair which made him fall asleep faster. Once you knew he was asleep you whispered something " I love you , V. ". Vance wasn't asleep yet and just hugged you tighter.

Billy Showalter -

"Babe , I'm tiredddd... " Billy was snuggled up against your arm while you were talking to one of your friends. " Ok , we'll I have to go , talk to you tomorrow? " you and your friends agreed and parted ways . " Babeeee " he sounded a bit sad and obviously tired. " Ok , ok. Let's go home then. " you began to walk the direction the way your house was. " Are we there yet?? " Billy complained out of tiredness. " yes , it's right over there , love. " you pointed to a house that was just about two houses down. Once the two of you got there , he almost immediately went up to your room and flopped down onto your bed , scooting over , gesturing for you to lay next to him. You did as told , letting the boy curled up right next to you , leaving no room between your chest and his head. " I love you. " , " I love you to , paper boy. "

Griffin Stagg-

You and Griffin were in the library after school. What you didn't know is that he was up all night trying to finish his favorite book. " Griffin are you alright? " you asked him as his head has fallen onto your arm for the fiftieth time now. " I'm tired , that's all. " he said . Gently placing his head on top of your shoulder. " Griffin , your tired . Let's go home. " you closed your book already and put it in your bag. " Nooo , I wanna read. " , " I'll read to you at home. " you said , picking up your bag. " can I have a piggyback ride?? " he asked. " of course. " you let him hop on your back and he did. He was asleep all the way home , even when you walked up the steps. " Griff  , we're here. " you whispered. " ok.. " he said , snuggling his head back into your neck. You carefully made your way upstairs and put him down on the bed. You lied down next to him in which he crawled on top of you because your ' more comfortable. ' " I love you Griff. " you whispered , kissing the top of his head. " I love you to. " he smiled , holding you a bit tighter.


Words : 1,318

Long chapter bc why not. Sorry for the Robin joke tho ! I thought it would be funny as crap but I saldo started writing this when n was tired so yeah-

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