᯾IX : You found out they were taken by the grabber᯾

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You find out they were taken by the grabber.

Mentions of : the grabber ( I feel like I need to put sign idk why )

Finney Blake -

I was cleaning my room while listening to ' The Ronettes ' when your mom carefully knocked on your door. You were already smiling, think about hanging out with Finney later today. You stopped your record player and payed full attention to your mom. " Hey.. sweetheart.. You know a boy named Finney Blake , right? "

Your pov:

" Hey.. sweetheart.. You know a boy named Finney Blake , right? " my mom sounded upset and a bit scared. My mother wasn't scared of almost anything. My heart stopped for a minute , scared of the news that was coming to hit me right in the heart. " Y-yeah , he's my boyfriend , why? " , " W-well , he , along with five other boys , have gone missing... " ( all the boys will escape and are well alive in this book 😅 ) tears began to gather in my eyes , my heart felt like it skipped about fifteen beats , my hands reached my mouth as I began to sob , falling onto the floor. " I'm so sorry , sweetheart... " , " W-who were the others... " , " Well , there was the paper boy , Billy I think , this kid named Griffin , Vance Hopper , your friend Bruce , and this Robin kid. " my mom was frowning when she left my room. I was uncontrollably sobbing and I couldn't stop. My boyfriend and my best friends were missing....

Robin Arellano -

Me and Robin were supposed to hang out at the drive in today with Finney , but I haven't seen either of them since school let out. " Hey , daddy , is Finney home yet? " you asked cautiously. " I haven't seen him come in. Did he walk home with you? " , " No? He was with Robin. " . It was almost 6 pm , our school lets out at 2:40.. after a bit of me panicking and my father attempting to calm me down , he decided to call the police. While he was on the phone , my head was buried into his chest while I was sobbing. Robin agreed to meet at our place today instead of his and I know they remembered. They went on there own to go get snacks while I went home. After my dad got off the phone with the police he called Gwen's friends house ( i forgot her name. ) after about five minutes there was a loud knock on the door , I was praying that it was Finney but it wasn't. " Gwenny..... " I said , opening the door to her standing there , tears down her cheeks. I pulled her into a tight ass hug. " It's my fault , if I was to go with them they would have been here... " a murmured. Gwen shook her head no and continued to cry.

Bruce Yamada. -

Earlier today I left Bruce , Robin , and Finney alone , letting Robin give him the lecture that if he ever mistreated his sister that he would be ten feet under and that it wasn't a threat but a promise. I headed out earlier with Amy , Bruce's sister , because me and her were having a sleepover that night. " Hey , y/n , it's for you. " Bruce's mom spoke , handing you the phone. " Hey is Robin with you? " your uncle asked " No? Robin was with Finney and Bruce , I haven't seen them since school let out. " , " Hey , Mrs.Yamada , did Bruce ever come home? " you asked his mum. " Oh , no , dear he hasn't.. " , " Neither has my brother or his friend , they were all with each other.... " Bruce's mom went pale , she knew what must have happened... " Hey , uncle , I got to go.. but file a missing persons report , now... " I spoke , my voice breaking. I gently hung up the phone , letting Mrs. Yamada call the police. " I-I've got to go.... " I say gently , leaving the house and running to mine.

Vance Hopper -

I was watching as Vance was dragged away by the police , he's an idiot but I love him. After awhile I went to my house and waited for him to call. Luckily my dad wasn't there tonight so he couldn't yell at me about having kids over.after a bit , neither Finney or Vance came home.. it was now 6 pm , everything happened at 1 pm.. After a bit more waiting the phone began to ring. " H-hello , Blake residents.. " I say nervously. " , " Hello , is this Y/n Blake? " the woman's voice was shaky and sounded like she was crying. " This is she , who's asking? " I question. " Is Vance Hopper there? I'm his mother and he hasn't come home yet... " , " Oh , not Mrs.Hopper , hes not here.. nor is my brother actually.. " , " Dear , do you know how to file a missing persons report? " she questions. " N-no Mrs. Hopper.. " I was crying , it pained my heart to think my shitface and brother were missing. " I need you to come over and I'll drive you and I to the police station , alright? " she sounded so nice even when she was distressed. " Yes Mrs.Hopper... " i hung up the phone , taking Gwen with me and we rode our bikes to Vance's House. His mom was already waiting for us in her car which was warm. So we got in and headed to the station , filling two missing people reports. After a bit more people came in to file reports for Griffin , Billy , Robin , Bruce , and we added Finney , and Vance to the list....

Billy Showalter -

It's been a day since I've seen Billy , it began to worry me... He hasn't done his paper route , I haven't seen his dog , u haven't seen him at all. After a minute of sitting outside and waiting , I heard the phone ring. " Hello? " a woman answers "Hello , who is this? "I asked , circling the phones cord around my finger. " This is Mrs. Showalter , is this Mrs. L/n im speaking to? " , " Yes , this is she. " , " Well I regret to inform you that Billy is missing... I know how much he loves you , he talked about you all the time.. " , " O-oh , thank you for telling me... bye. " I hung up the phone and slid down the wall , sobbing.

Griffin Stagg -

Me and Griffin haven't hung out since two days ago , which worried me a lot.... Suddenly the phone rang which you almost immediately picked up. " Hello? " I question , smiling into the phone. " Is this Mrs. Y/n Yamada? " , " This is she , who's asking? " , " This is Mrs.Stagg , griffins mom. I hate to inform you but Griffin is missing , along with other kids by the names of Billy , Vance , Robin , and Finney... " , " O-oh , thank you for telling me , goodbye. " you almost immediately hang up the phone and begin to cry when your mother starts yelling that your brother is missing , making it worse.

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