Seeking refuge

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A/N: This chapter will be told in Ji'su's Point of View. Enjoy MaLovelyz!

Ji'su's POV...

I woke up with the warm sun on my black and silver hair. I decided to go diving, and see if I found something interesting I can test my powers on. Oh! I'm sorry about not introducing myself. My name is Ji'su. I'm 18 years old, and I'm the oldest daughter of the Chief of the Metkayina clan, Tonowari, and his mate, Ronal. I have two younger siblings, Ao'nung and Tsireya. My third sibling is on the way.

I love to dive, and secretly dance, rap, and overall, make music. I can speak fluent Na'vi, Korean, and English. I also have powers; I can control the ocean and the creatures beneath. I'm not actually Tonowari and Ronal's biological daughter; they adopted me when I was 15, after I became a full Metkayina. I was born and raised in South Korea, and brought to Pandora by Dr. Grace Augustine for the Na'vi project when I turned 15.

I wonder how she is now. I haven't heard from her since the attack at her self-established school. Anyway, I headed over to the deepest part of the ocean, and began to use my powers. I played around with some of the creatures there, and I was even doing some stunts, like flipping and nose-diving. I swam closer to the more shallow end, when I heard the heavy flapping of wings.

I swam closer to the shore, and saw six Na'vi, who looked like they were from the forest. I knew that they were because of their dark blue skin, thinner tails, skinnier arms, and slimmer waists; a little less muscle than Metkayina. I got out of the water, and saw two Na'vi boys. I smiled at them as they signed "I see you" to me. I giggled shyly. I'm not gonna lie; they were really handsome, and the little girl with them was so cute!

I stared at my brother, Ao'nung, who ignored them when they signed to him, and looked intimidated by their arrival, but he looked like he was checking the taller guy out, by staring at him so blatantly. I then heard Ao'nung and his best friend, Rotxo,

snickering and laughing behind their backs, making fun of their appearances

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snickering and laughing behind their backs, making fun of their appearances.

"Look! What is that? Is that supposed to be a tail?" I heard Rotxo say.

He and Ao'nung kept laughing, before I smacked Ao'nung by the back of his head.

"Stop that, Rotxo, Ao'nung. Do that again one more time, or I will skin you both," I silently threatened the two.

Then, I spotted Tsireya dramatically coming out of the water. The two boys instantly signed to her, which made me chuckle. The shorter one was checking her out. I could see their attraction to one another, and it would be cute to see the guy try and ask my sister out on a date. The tallest of the group, who I assumed was probably the leader, signed "I see you" to my father.

"I see you, Tonowari," he replied, signing.

"Jake Sully. What brings you here?" my father asked.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. The man, who flew all the way over here, was Jake Sully, the first Na'vi human hybrid to live along the Omaticaya clan, the famous Toruk Makto! I idolized him, mostly because of his great missions. I was told that he was the sixth Na'vi in the Omaticaya clan to ride the Toruk, an aggressive, flying, mountain creature. I instantly signed "I see you" to him and his group. Jake signed back, before turning to my father.

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