A Big Mistake

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Neteyam's POV...

Time skip to nighttime...

Where, is, Lo'ak? Ji'su and I have been looking for him everywhere! Suddenly, Ji'su tapped me to on the arm as she pointed to Ao'nung and his friends. We charged over to them, and Ji'su slapped Ao'nung so hard that his nose bled!

"Where is my brother, you skxawng?!" I yelled.

Ao'nung hung his head low as Ji'su glared at him, her eyes lit up like blue flames, filled with fury and hatred for her brother. I could tell she was using her powers to read his mind. She dragged him by the ear, while I pulled him by his braid. We brought him to Jake, who was by the pod with Kiri. I pushed him in front of them as Ji'su let go of his ear.

"Tell him what Ji'su extracted from you!" I ordered.

After we got Lo'ak back, I felt so relieved. My mom had an interesting way of  showing her relief.

"I pray for the strength that I will not rip the eyeballs out of my youngest son," she said.

I didn't know how much longer I could stand Ao'nung anymore, so I fled to head to the beach. Before I proceeded to leave, I heard Ao'nung ask, "Why'd you stick up for me?"

Lo'ak scoffed, and answered, "Because I know what it's like to be one big disappointment."

I turned, and spotted them together. I felt a pang in my stomach, and fled, with tears in my eyes.

Ao'nung's POV...

After Lo'ak left, I finally understood what I was doing wrong, and I knew Neteyam wouldn't like me if I continued that kind of behavior. Then, I saw him run to the beach, and climb on one of the mangrove trees. I followed him, and was able to catch up to him, while at the same time, facing my internal fear of heights. I caught up to him, and sat next to him.

"Neteyam, please. I'm sorry," I said.

Neteyam turned away from me, and hugged his knees. I tried to put my hand on his shoulder, but he flicked it off.

"You almost got my brother killed. You called Kiri a freak. Why are you even talking to me? Just leave me alone," he said.

I obviously didn't want to leave him. He felt like he needed comfort, and I was so desperate for him to forgive me, for everything that I did.

"Neteyam. I know what I did was wrong, and I really am sorry. I hate seeing you in this state, and it breaks my heart that you're avoiding me. I never considered you as a freak. Honestly, I always thought that you were beautiful; the moment I first saw you. Neteyam, please. I just want you to give me a second chance," I confessed.

He finally looked at me, smiled, and said, "Ao'nung; It's okay. I forgive you."

He rested his head on my shoulder, and closed his eyes. My heart was beating so fast, that he might wake up because of how loud it was, but I was careless about it. I felt my face heat up just from looking at his face. He looks so ethereal when he's sleeping. I'm usually not a talkative person, so I like listening to Neteyam's stories without telling mine. I want him to know how I feel through my actions, not my words.
Hi. Sorry if it's short.

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