S A V A G E, keep it Pretty, Pretty Savage

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A/N: "Italic" means they are saying a quote in English.

Ji'su's POV...

The next few weeks the Sully's spent with us were filled with training and fun. And here's a quote from my dear sister, Tsireya:

"The way of water has no beginning and no end. The sea is around you and in you. The sea is your home, before your birth, and after your death. Our hearts beat in the womb of the world. Our breath burns in the shadows of the deep. The sea gives, and the sea takes. Water connects all things; life to death, darkness to light."

Anyway, during training, we showed them those creatures that cling onto your back, and will help you breathe underwater. My mother and I even witnessed Kiri controlling fish with a spiritual connection that she had. They were like my powers if you thought about it. Anyway, continuing.

So, the next day, I was swimming around with Neteyam, for some friendly bonding time, when we saw Kiri meditating, staring at the sand. Suddenly, I heard Ao'nung and his friends snickering and laughing at her, calling her a freak.

"Huh? What'd you say?" she asked.

"Are you some kind of freak?" Ao'nung asked her.

I could not believe what he said. Kiri isn't a freak! He was probably bullying her because of her appearance: her tail and her fingers. I'm sorry, Ao'nung, but I have five fingers too, and I was human when you and Tsireya considered me as your sister, not an outcast. Kiri scoffed.

"No," she said bluntly.

She walked away, before Ao'nung and his friends surrounded her.

"Are you sure? I mean, you're not even real Na'vi," he explained.

I'm sorry Ao'nung, but shouldn't you call me a freak for being like her? They made fun of her hands, when an infuriated Lo'ak appeared.

"Hey! Back off, fish lips," he said.

I snickered. Not gonna lie, the Fish Lips thing lives up to its name. Ao'nung and his cronies made fun of him too, when Neteyam and I were fed up with this behavior, and pushed Ao'nung.

"You heard what she said. Leave them alone," Neteyam threatened.

"Oh, big brother coming to—" one of Ao'nung's friends taunted, before being stopped by Ao'nung.

Yes, stop him from hurting the guy you like. That'll help me with not punching you in the face!

"Back off. Now," Neteyam said.

Ao'nung raised his hands in surrender, and backed off.

"It's your choice. From now on, we want you to respect Kiri, you skxawngs. I'm a five fingered freak too. So why aren't you bullying me?" I said threateningly.

Ao'nung held his friends back from attacking us, and Kiri and I stuck our tongues out. We left, before I heard one of Ao'nung's friends say, "Look at them all. Ao'nung, sorry not sorry; but, I'm putting your sister into this. It's true. She's a freak like them, the whole family."

Ao'nung's POV...

I could not believe him! Why would he say that about Ji'su and Neteyam?! They aren't freaks, and I never considered them as freaks. Ji'su is my sister, Neteyam's friend, and even if I just met Neteyam, I already found him beautiful. When I first saw him, I was already checking him out. Anyway, enough about me yammering about Neteyam. So, what my friend said about the Sully's, Ji'su wasn't going to let it slide. She walked over to us, and showed us her hand.

"I know this hand is funny. Look, I'm a freak. Like the Sully's. But I could do two really cool things with this hand. The first one, is where I ball it up really tight like this, and then..." she began, before punching me in the face!

I did not expect any of that. Ji'su was usually very peaceful. Lots of guys fell to her feet trying to court her. But this was the first time I saw her act like this; having deep hatred spread throughout her veins. I know what I did to deserve being punched, and kicked, by her and Lo'ak. After she kicked my face, Ji'su said, "Back on Earth, we call that a punch, bitch."

"She's right. Now, don't ever touch my sister again," Lo'ak said.

Ji'su's POV...

Look, I'm a very peaceful person, and I try to lead a zen life; but that doesn't mean I'll just sit there, and let you attack one of my friends! And just so you know, I have been wanting to punch Ao'nung for being reckless for so long already. Lo'ak and Neteyam fought with Ao'nung and his cronies, and I stepped in to help.

As a human, I worked as part of the RDA for a period of time, before I backstabbed them, so I know how to fight. While watching the fight, Kiri just laughed at her brothers' stupidity. Before we left, I said, "Hey. Let me show you the second cool thing I can do with this hand!"

I showed my middle fingers to them, sticking my tongue out, before walking away. Afterwards, I was outside the Sully's pod, and I overheard Jake reprimanding his sons about what happened with Ao'nung.

"What was the one thing I asked? The one thing," he asked.

"Stay out of trouble," Neteyam and Lo'ak chorused.

Lo'ak stepped in, and explained to his father, "Look, dad. Ao'nung was picking on Kiri. He called her a freak. If it weren't for Ji'su—"

Jake shut his son up, and said, "Don't bring the chief's daughter into this. Go apologize to Ao'nung."

I ran from that, and I came across Ao'nung and his cronies again; this time by the cove on their Ilu. I swam over to them, and jumped onto Ao'nung's Ilu's back. I strangled Ao'nung, and pinched his ear.

"Why the hell would you call my new friends freaks?! Hah?! Do you think that picking on people is fun for you?! They were the very first friends that I ever made! They related to my situation. And when I was still human, you yourself said I wasn't a freak. What happened? You even defended me from your cronies over here, who called me a five fingered freak, and kept telling me, to go back Earth, to South Korea, where I really belonged!" I yelled at him.

I let go of him, and took a deep breath to calm myself down.

"I don't belong there. I belong here. With mother, with father, with Tsireya, my family. And if you were as brave as you were pretending to be, you'd admit that you're in love with Neteyam, and that's the real reason why you're picking on the Sully's!" I finished.

I huffed, and swam away.
Teu-Hi! Quite the drama there with Ji'su and Ao'nung. She even revealed his crush on Neteyam in front of his cronies. What might happen next? You guys will find out soon.

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