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Y/n's eyes opened as the morning light came through the window, she groaned as she threw the blanket off of her, exposing her legs to the cold air.

She walked to the closet and opened it slowly, walking in and picking out a winter outfit. With a long-sleeve and some black pants, Y/n called it a day. Saturdays were meant to be spent on the couch.

Y/n walked down the stairs, the doorbell going off just as she stepped off the last step. Y/n groaned and took her head into her hands, she walked to the door and looked out the peephole.

Feeling with confusion, as no one had been there when she looked out, she opened the door. She froze, her mind going blank as she saw who had rung her bell.

'Oh God...oh no...not again.' She thought as she closed her eyes, hoping that it was a dream. That he'd disappear and would never come back. "Are you going to let me in, or do I need to stay out here?" He asked. Y/n's eyes widened as she snapped out of her daze.

"S-Sure.." She muttered softly. He walked in, looking around and making a 'tsk' sound with his mouth. As if the look of her house wasn't up to his standards, as if she wasn't rich enough. "If you don't like it, you can leave," Y/n mumbled. He shook his head, his hair swinging as he did.

'Not that I wanted you here in the first place.' Y/n thought to herself as she watched him sit on the couch, just idling there. "Why are you even here? How did—How do you know where I live? I have so many questions..." Y/n sat down on the couch next to him. His legs swung as he looked around. His eyes caught on things that he thought looked interesting.

"I have my ways. Plus, I heard you wanted to drop me off at an orphanage." Y/n froze. How did he find that out? Did Muzan tell him? Does he know where she lives? "O-Oh, whatttt...?" Y/n tried to play it off. Rui just watched her blankly as she tried to think of excuses.

"Pfft, noooo, whoever told you that, is a lying son of a bi—I mean...a fibber..." Y/n nervously trailed off. Rui didn't look impressed, but rather, bored. This little—

"What do you want to do? Go home? Leave my house?" Rui's face deadpanned at his options. Y/n slumped over in defeat, there was no way she was getting this kid out of her house. "Fine, wanna watch a show?" Rui nodded. He watched as Y/n picked the remote up and flipped through the channels.

"Do you wanna watch, 'Please help, my step-brother wants to marry me and my hot best friend wants to kiss me, what do I do?' Or something else?" Rui stayed silent as he thought. Rui looked at Y/n, "The first one." Y/n nodded her head. This kid had taste.

Rui watched as Y/n clicked on the show, sitting back on the couch and getting comfortable. Y/n watched the show intently, it was getting more interesting as it went on. Her eyes glanced over to the kid quickly, he stared longingly at her.

"C'mon. Come lay down." Y/n mumbled as she opened her arms to allow the kid to lie down on her chest. Rui smiled slightly taking up her offer. Rui made himself comfortable as he closed his eyes, relishing in her warmth and smell. Y/n looked down at the kid, who had wrapped his arms around her torso, she smiled fondly.


"No! I don't want to!" Rui yelled out. Y/n stood frozen, her skin pale as she stared ahead with a dead look. Rui's father standing gloomily in front of her. Rui had wrapped his arms around Y/n's legs, refusing to leave the house. "Rui—Please..." His father muttered.

Rui huffed, "I don't want to leave!" Y/n's paralyzed body stood tense from the kid's temper tantrum. Rui's father panicked, "Rui, let's go home now. You can come back whenever Y/n has time." Rui looked up, his eyes watery.

Y/n glanced down, her heart melting as Rui rubbed his face on her leg. Y/n cooed as she reached down and picked Rui up, he sniffled before wrapping his arms around her neck and hugging her tightly.

Y/n chuckled before hugging the kid back, his father standing just watching. Y/n walked out of the doorway, making her way to the car that awaited outside. His father in tow.

"Rui, you can come back anytime you want, just let me know beforehand." Y/n smiled. Rui nodded as he was set down in the seat, he watched as Y/n reached over him and grabbed the seat belt, and buckled him in. Y/n stood up, glancing at the kid.

"Bye Rui! See you later," Y/n mumbled as she shut the door and watched the window roll down. Rui mustered up his voice, "Bye Y/n." Y/n's heart melted again, Rui was so cute, despite him trying to murder her the first time he met her.

Rui rolled the window up as his father walked around to talk to
Y/n. "Thank you so much for watching him, I apologize for the surprise." Y/n deadpanned. The kid just showed up on her doorstep, she couldn't exactly throw him out. "It was no problem, really, Rui can come over whenever, just let me know." His father smiled and nodded.

"Okay. Thanks so much again, bye now!" Y/n nodded. The man rounded the car and entered the back. Must be nice being rich. They sped off and Y/n made her way back to the house that was empty except for her.

She locked the doors after she entered before she picked up the mess that had just spawned there. After cleaning up, she sat on the couch in silence.


Y/n's head popped up, she looked around. She swore to herself that she had heard a clicking sound. She had been hearing it for a while now actually. She hadn't thought much of it, but it was starting to creep her out.

Smiling as another picture flooded through his printer. She looked so beautiful, so pretty. Nothing could compare to her, nothing at all. Turning to the monitor, he frowned. He really should get a camera that doesn't make a sound.

He picked the picture up, walking up the wall that was covered in pictures of the girl. He taped the picture up.

"Another one to add to the collection..." He hummed to himself. He frowned, he had almost gotten caught. He really needed to get rid of her relatives. In the house of h/c hair, yellow and orange hair was considered strange when it appeared.

D O N ' T  H A V E  T O  R E A D



Sorry, it's not the usual, text messages but who doesn't enjoy a good lengthy word chapter once-n-awhile ? you don't? oh...jk, I don't care 🤷‍♀️

ANTWAYS, hope you enjoy lil shawtys, love you 😘

Have a good morning/afternoon/or night!

p.s: i didn't check for errors soooo


me when you...me when you—me when you don't...me when...


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