Nobodys pov
All 5 of the children successfully made it inside , only 3 minutes till the concert started , and there were hundred or thousands, I would say millions it seemed but that seems like too much. All 5 of the kids tried to squeeze all the way into the front since that's the place they chose for finney to see them. There were many girls screaming and cheering waiting for the band to come out, many chanted , "ROBIN" or "VANCE" and ofcourse "BRUCE" finney always turned a bit red at the mention of robin. He was his favorite out of the 3.
" are you excited finney!!" Gwen shook finney and smiled her hardest.
"Yeah I really am thank you guys" Finney replied and smirked.
The lights dimmed and the crowd quieted down.

The show was starting.

Spotlight went on Vance hopper. the crowd going wild and many girls simping, then came robin Arellano, finneys favorite, the crowd got louder, And then the lead, Bruce yamada. Everyone was screaming at the top of their lungs especially billy and finney.

"GOODMORNING LA" bruce yamada
yelled out in the microphone, vance on his left and robin on his right behind him. The crowd went wild, they group even heard people crying, joyful tears ofcourse. Bruce winked at some people, and vance gave him a certain look like a "after this we need to talk" look.

finneys pov

I started to laugh at the look vance gave bruce. He's like Inlove.. but it's not confirmed.

I couldn't keep my eyes off the long raven haired boy on bruces right, he looked so beautiful and his smile . I could melt into it.. he was really dreamy, sometimes he sung and those times when he did I just wanted to cry out if happiness.

The first song they were playing was called
ME AND YOUR MAMA (I don't own these songs, these songs will be front different artist, don't attack me)

my eyes lit up when I heard what song they were playing, it was my absolute favorite and robin wrote it, which made it better... I don't have a crush on him ew he's just cute that's it.

🎶let me into your heart🎶
Was the beat drop and I was practically jumping up and down. When that beat drop hit, robins electric guitar got more intense I wanted to scream right there. Donna was looking at me she seemed genuinely happy. I looked at her and she turned away. I didn't mind though I was having a blast.


As I was focusing on playing the electric guitar one boy caught my eye.. he was pretty , and he was standing in the front . He had dirty blonde hair and looked about my age . I smiled and winked at him and when I did that his eyes widened he look shocked but excited. We were finishing this song up and I glanced at the 2 other boys playing with me.

We decided to play heartless (the weekends version)
Vance wrote that and it was pretty good. Bruce started singing and the crowd went crazy, I could tell it was the crowds favorite. I kept looking at the pretty boy. But why? There were many boys and.. girls here why was he different why did he stick out..?

I started playing in the guitar and there were more screaming. I felt happy. I felt alive.  We were finishing up and deciding we would play one last song 3 was enough and time passed by pretty quick ... it was already 4 pm.

We decided on playing heart to heart. Bruce wrote it. He's more into the soft vibe . As we were in the middle of the song, the crowd started singing along word by word. I kept giving glances at the pretty boy.  And I'm guessing Vance caught on.

As we finished off the song bruce took my place and I went to talk in the mic. The crowed yelled louder then before. I obviously am the favorite. Some people were crying. I smiled sweetly and cleared my throat. "Um..quiet down everyone" I spoke, they all quieted down, still whispering things but I spoke again , "the boy with the blonde hair and black sweatpants talk to me after I finish this off, okay?" I pointed to him.

(Finney acc wanted to khs that's so embarrassing)

He nodded fast, I could tell he was nervous.

"Thank you." I bit my lip nervously and smiled a bit while they screamed.

Bruce and vance went back stage while I went off the stage by the front going near the boy. Everyone was pushing and squishing trying to get to me. I got scratched in my arm with .. keys and was bleeding but that didn't matter right now. I needed to talk to the boy. I was one person with everyone just trying to take pictures with me. I got to the boy and held his wrist trying to go back on the stage without people hurting him. He looked back at some people , well 4 and they nodded at him and smiles. I took him back stage and closed the door. Bruce had his head on the middle of the couch and legs hanging up while vance tried throwing grapes in his mouth. I cleared my throat while they looked up, Bruce tried sitting normal but fell off the couch. I couldn't help but giggle and so did the pretty boy.

His smile and laugh was cute.

Oh god I'm so gay.

I realized I was still holding his wrist so I let go quickly, "sorry" I chuckled nervously. "

It's fine , just why am I here exactly.." the curly head boy asked.

"Yeah.. why is he here? who even is he?" vance chuckled.

"Shut up Vance." I spoke up and glared at him.

"anyways I was wondering if uh.. we could hang out sometime or something you seem cool.." I say that in slight regret while he's in pure shock.

"I mean we don't have to if you don't wa-" he cut me off and smiles.

"Yeah sure , here uh give me ur phone I'll write my number"

I wanted to burst. He actually said yes. I took out my phone and put the password and handed it to him.

He went on Imessage and put in his number. I had butterflies..
he gave me my phone back and it seemed like he knew his way off stage so I just waved. As soon as he closed the door I started jumping around . "HE GAVE ME HIS NUMBER HOLYYYY OH MY GODD"

"Chill. your so gay" Bruce added.

"Are you his biggest fan or is he yours.." Vance smiled innocently.

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