Chapter 6

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Shinso Pov

I stare at the boy. No way he's a villain. I am not in the same room with a 15 year old killer. He looks at me and sighs.

"I knew you'd react like that." he grumbles.

"Why?" I whisper

"Because I was torn down by this crupt world and it's heroes."

I recall the villain visit with Bakugo. This is the boy. Deku was it? Did he turn because of something Bakugo did?

"How do you know Bakugo?" I blurt out.

He raises and eyebrow. " Seriously? I tell you I'm a villain and you ask me how I know Bakugo?" he lets out a chuckle that you could tell was broken.

"He was my middle school bully, childhood best friend. What made me snap was a thing he told me on the last day of school. 'Take a swan dive of roof and hope for a quirk in your next life!' That's what he said."

I was fuming in anger. Bakugo said that! He seemed notice this and sighed.

"it's fine. I did it anyway. Not like it matters. But with my quirk it was fine. I found out my quirk wasn't meant for a hero but also not suited for a villain. So here I am." He said, gesturing to the run doen building around him. 

That's when I register what he said.

"Wait a minute - you listened to him?!" I half shout. How is this kid still alive? What is his quirk? He rolls his eyes like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"Well duh. How else would I have realized what my quirk is?"

"You did it to see if you had a quirk?"

"Yep. Sadly god said stay down there and satan didn't even care for my crusty ass."

I stare at him in horror. My phone buzzes and I pull it out to see dad texted me.I sigh.

"Well I got to go. See you..?"


"See you Izuku."

Izuku Pov

I watch as he leaves and sigh. He's kinda phone buzzes, snapping me back to reality. I pull it out to see crusty calling me. I sigh and put it on speaker.

"Where the fuck are you deku?!" He shouts angerly.

"I'm in your dreams  loser."

"Get back over here!" He shouts, good thing it's on speaker. My ear would be dead, not like that's bad.

"Make me HandyMan."

"Deku I swear to go-" 

I hang up on him and sigh. I hop up and streatch my legs and head up to the room. Well time for attempt 206.

I thought as I ran and hopped off the roof.

Can't die (Suicidal Villain deku) (Semi chatfic)Where stories live. Discover now