Chapter 9

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Shinso Pov

I yawn as Iida makes us all line up to get on the bus. It didn't work. I go to the back of the bus adn feel someone plop down next to me. Oh, it's mina.

"Who was that on the video call with you?" she says with a smile, ugh pushy bitch.

"Nun your buisness." I mumble

Knowing she's going to get nothing from me she gets up and leaves. I sigh, I just want to be cuddling Izuku. I pull out my phone.


MakeMe: Hey zu

HelpNeeded: WHat?

MakeMe: be my boyfriend?

HelpNeeded: Ofc!

HelpNeeded: What're you doing anyways?

MakeMe: Going to USJ.

HelpNeeded: ....

MakeMe: What?

HelpNeeded: gtg

Izuku Pov

Crap! I run around grabbing things half drunk. I tug on my villain outfit and put on my mask. I wasn't your ordinary villain. I'm a vigilante that kills instead of captures. Simple right? Anyways, here I am, in broad daylight, hopping rooftops. I get close to USJ as the bus pulls up. I land silently and wathc as they all go inside. I sneak inside just as the red head, Kirishima gasps.

"You guys hae fake villains too?! Cool!"

Thirteen and Eraserhead whip around and I sneak up behind the class.

"Everyone listen up!" I shout

They turn around and gasp, some screa, Shinso however, tackles me in a hug.

"Zuku! DOn't ever worry me like that again." he says.

I smile under my mask and stand up, Bakugo starts forwarf.

"Kacchan shut up. I'm trying to save you."

A brown haired girl screams and points behind me. I turn around to see kurogiri. Crap.

"Ah, deku, nice to see you again. But it will be the last."

Purple mist swirls around us and I grip onto Shinso. When I could see again I, we were falling towards water. A scream escapes me right before we hit the water. I blink a couple times and see Shinso swimming back up. Wait! I....can't...swim.

Something wraps around my waist and starts pulling. I'm tugged out of the water. I'm set on a boat and fall to the floor coughing up water. Shinso runs over adn helps me.

"Thanks." I rasp.


We come up with a plan and I get the frog girl and purple cry baby to saftey and run off when someone grabs my arm.

"Oh no you don't" Shinso growls. I pry my hand out of his grip and run off, ingoring  his complaints. I run from place to place resucing students. I end at bakugo's buildings.

I hear explosions adn yelling from inside. Probably Bakugo yelling 'Die'. I shake my head and run in. I follow the sounds to the fourth floor to see the two boys already finished the villains off.

I clap and they both turn around. I give a wave.

"Hey Kacchan! Good job by the way. Guess I'll take my leave." I say as I slowly back away.

"Where do you think your going Deku!" Bakugo yells.

I glare at him.

"Away from you. SHut your ego filled mouth and leave me the hell alone. I've already died once for you. Don't make me do it again.

I run off and head over to the center. Where's crusty....ah! I sprint and jump infront of frog girl and crusty grabs me instead. In the confusion I punch crusty in the face. He stumbles back and growls.


"Ya it's me you lser. Deal with it."

"NOMU! Capture him." Crusty says, pointing at me. The nomu slams Eraserheads head on the floor one last time before getting up and approaching me. He goes to punch ne and I scramble up his arm. I pull out my dagger.

'Which one is this?'

I stab it in the back and it heals.'s THAT one. He spins around I fly off his back into a wall. I groan, there goes a couple bones. Sadly, I won't heal inless I die.

I stumble to my feet as it approachs.


I look up right as the nomu smacks me. I fly sideways and crush into another wall. Ugh, how am I not dead? 

I watch as All Might fights the nomu. He can't win. I slowly stand and as All Might distracts it I climb up it's back and plunge my dagger into it's brain. Over and over again.

I hop off and it crashes to the ground dead. I clutch my side, ugh.

"Deku!" Crusty screams.

I flip him off and run / limp away. I follow my instants cuz I have no idea where I'm going.

Eventually I end up in Shinso's room. Well great, I close my eyes. Ugh, worst way to die, not in the top ten, and I pass out.

Can't die (Suicidal Villain deku) (Semi chatfic)Where stories live. Discover now