Keep Your Enemies Close

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averee followed quickly behind bella as the two girls walked through the marine park. averee had a soft smile on her face as she skipped a little. "okay, now i've heard an opportunity knocking but this is ridiculous. you should apply." bella spoke, handing cleo a flier as the two walked over to the girl. averee smiled, nodding along as she stared at cleo. "you think?" cleo glanced anxiously between the two. "assistant dolphin trainer? cleo. they would be paying you to hang with dolphins all day." bella softly grabbed at averees wrist when the three began walking, "i guess it is kind of a dream job." "yeah and this ones got cleo written all over it. just imagine what this could lead to, you could run this place one day." averee turned to stare at cleo, "you have been talking about doing something like that since before this whole mermaid thing, cleo." averee added on as cleo glanced back, nodding a little.

averee and bella left the marine park, heading down to the beach. bella walked slightly ahead of averee, shaking her head at averee. the brunette kicked the sand as she walked. "why did we have to go here of all places." bella looked up at the slightly taller girl with a small smirk on her face, "because i like the beach." averee rolled her eyes, "but i don't." she spoke with a smile. "ah, but that doesn't matter, because i knew you'd come with me either way, you're smiling." averee glanced at bella as bella sent her a lopsided grin. averee softly chuckled, looking down as her face flushed. the two walked along the beach for a while talking about the smallest things they could think about, both subconsciously moving towards each other. bellas phone buzzed stopping the two in their tracks. "you up for swimming? they want to meet at mako." averee sent her a tight lipped smile nodding. bella softly smiled back.


"can you believe it? assistant dolphin trainer, me?" averee glanced up at cleo, smiling at the girl's excited state. "oh, it's so exciting." averee sat by bella. rikki on her right, cleo was on the other side of bella as the four lent on the walls of the moon pool. "well, its just a trial but still, thank you so much for encouraging me, both of you." cleos eyes darted between averees and bellas as the girl smiled. "thats alright. thats what friends are for, right rikki?" bella turned towards rikki, her hand brushing against averees. averee glanced down, noticing bellas hand moving as close as it could to hers, making averees face flush as she smiled a little.

"well, lets just see. you've just landed a job that involves being around dolphins, people and water. i'm just trying to figure out whats wrong with this scenario." averee rolled her eyes shooting rikki a look. "she knows what shes doing. you don't need to be a smartass." averee said looking back down at bellas hand. "i'll be careful. i really dont want to make this mermaid thing a big deal." cleo added on, glancing at bella and averee as the two nodded along. "you turn into a fish as soon as you touch water, call me crazy, that is a big deal." bella glanced at averee as the brunette sighed, rolling her eyes, "well, cleos a big girl, she can make up her own mind. the least you could do is try and be happy for her." "should i also be happy for her when she ends up under a microscope? you're taking a really big risk. if laurie sees you with a tail, you'll be a bigger part of the show than you want to be." averee glanced up as rikki began swimming out. sighing before looking up towards bella and cleo.

"maybe she's right. maybe it is a bad idea." "and maybe she's not. this is your dream, i'm sure it would be fine." averee glanced between the two. "cleo, you know bella's right. rikki's always been uptight about these sorts of things. it isn't personal." bella stared at the girl for a moment, seeing how clearly and confident the girl tended to speak. she was incredibly sure of herself. bellas brows furrowed in thought. averee had intrigued her, she was shy seeming and introverted, kept to herself in almost every setting, yet she spoke with such ease, confidence and clarity. it slightly amazed the blonde. cleo looked over to averee with a slightly sadened expression, "you're right. i'll give it a go." cleo spoke as averee sent the girl a smile.

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