Too Close for Comfort

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"this piece, now this piece is pretty cool." averee pulled out a canvas the girl had painted. the work was a still life of a single flower in a vase on a table. bella had noticed all averees works were dull and bland, yet messy and expressive. she had a certain style that bella could see all too clearly in her works. "i actually painted this after i met you. because of you i guess. its a lily, that flower reminds me of you. did you know they use white lilies a symbol for death." bella stared at the girl with furrowed brows, "i remind you of death?" averee shook her head, putting the canvas down, "no, white lilies are a symbol of innocence that people often use at funerals to purify the soul. you remind me of calla lilies. they're a symbol of beauty. and your name also means the same thing. it's fitting." bellas face flushed red as the girl softly smiled, "you're corny. you know that?" averee rolled her eyes, "fine. i'll just keep all that to myself then." bella moved closer to averee, standing in front of the girl as she put her arms around the girls waist. "no. i love it. what kind of flower would you be then?" averee smirked slightly, "chrysanthemums." the girl muttered as bella creased her eyebrows. "huh?" the girl glared up at averees smirk as the brunette tilted her head, "chrysanthemums. they're more commonly seen as a symbol of death. and they're kind of weird looking. i love them." bella shook her head with a small smile. "ah so i know what kind of flower to get you." averee shook her head, "how dare you no. if you want to buy me flowers i only expect lilies." the girl smirked as she saw bellas face flush slightly.

averee moved her book beside her as she cautiously turned to look at bella who was writting. the brunette didn't want to disturb the girl, but she got sick of her book. the slowly moved her hand over to bellas leg, tapping the blonde slightly as the girl just ignored her. averee huffed, throwing herself further back on her bed as she crossed her arms, glaring up at the roof. bella glanced over at the girl with a small smile, finding it entertaining as she looked back at her book. averee threw her arms up before the girl sat up, tapping bellas leg again as the girl ignored her.

"you look pretty in that dress, love." averee muttered, she saw bellas cheeks flush slightly as the blonde continued ignoring her. averee groaned, throwing herself back, putting her hands over her face. bella snickered slightly. averee sat up again, taking bellas book off her lap as the girl moved closer to bella, softly holding the blondes jaw. "you aren't paying attention to me." bella smirked at the girl, "who knew the girl who hardly talks would be so needy." averee rolled her eyes, kissing bella on the lips softly before looking down. bella laughed under her breath, tapping averees cheek as the girl looked up again with a small smile. "why did you move my book?" bella smirked slightly, knowing the answer. averee sighed, "i got bored and you weren't paying attention to me." bella smiled, "ah, so telling me i looked pretty was just to get my attention." the girl joked as averee looked up with wide eyes, shaking her head. "no, no you look beautiful in that dress you always look so beautiful all the time. you are by far the prettiest person i've ever come across, how on earth did i pull you? i genuinely dont get it.." bella cut the girl off, kissing her softly before pulling back slightly as averee leant back in to kiss the girl again. "you were rambling, love." averee hummed in response, "so you kissed me to shut me up?" averee asked with an offended look on her face. "yes i did, i'd do it again." averee scoffed, pulling bella in to meet her lips.


"so, what's happening with ave?" bella blushed slightly, leaning further on the rocks at the moon pool as the girl glanced between cleo and rikki, "everything between us is perfect." rikki made a disgusted face for a moment before smiling, "lucky you." bella smirked slightly, "i tried to get her to come say hi, she's painting though so she hardly listened to me." cleo snickered, "i can imagine. she normally pays attention to only you when she's doing art." bella nodded "yeah, since we started dating she said she doesn't need to impress me by giving me special treatment. i better check she hasn't died at that canvas." the blonde smiled at the two before leaving the moon pool.

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