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averee leant on the wall by the stage as she watched bella and nates rehearsal. she stood in awe of bella, her gaze locked on the girl as she just listened to her voice. as nate and bella stopped playing the two started talking about the song. averees eyes were still locked on bella. cleo made her way over to them, her eyes glancing at averees state as she just smirked at the girl.

"bell, ave, are you fine for tonight?" nate looked up, furrowing his brows. "uh, we're actually rehearsing tonight." bella got up, moving over to where averee stood with cleo behind. "yeah, i kinda promised nate." she leant her back on averee, pushing the girl further into the wall. "well, cancel it. look, we always stick together on a full moon. i can think of an excuse if you need one." the two both looked at nate giving him sweet smiles, "can we reschedule?" the boy mumbled a "yes", looking down. cleo looked back at bella and averee. "that was easy, ave you're okay for tonight, right?" averee glanced up, pulling herself out of whatever trance she was in, "yeah, yeah. i don't think my mums home tonight anyway." cleo gave the girl a small smile before nodding, turning to walk over to rikki. bella turned a little, moving to stand in front of the girl, "are you okay? you seem a bit out of it." averee looked at the girl, smiling as she put her arms out to grab bellas waist, "yeah, just tired. you're singing was really good by the way." bella quickly smiled, leaning up to kiss the brunettes cheek, quickly walking away as averee froze in place.

averee composed herself walking over to the counter where bella, rikki and cleo were. "don't be late." cleo sternly said, leaving the girls. averee leant up on the counter next to bella, nudging the girls shoulder with a smile. "you guys really take this seriously." "wait till lewis gets involved." averee spoke, rolling her eyes softly. bella tilted her head, creasing her eyebrows, "where is he? he missed rehearsal." rikki rolled her eyes, "i dont know, hes probably inventing something." bella chuckled, turning to look at averee, bella smirked seeing the girls face still pink. she grabbed her hand as she pulled the brunette back towards the stage with her.


after bellas rehearsal, the two went to visit cleo at her work. as they walked towards cleo, averee grabbed bellas hand, "hello." bella said to cleo, intertwining hers and averees hands. "hey." cleo trailed off, walking over to the two as ronny jumped up out of the water. bella made a little woah sound making averee turn to the blonde with a soft smile. "cute." averee muttered, she saw bellas face flush red, making her smirk as she turned to cleo. "hes showing off for the both of you." "i guess we should be flattered." bella stammered. the three walked as cleo turned to bella, "hey, did you run everything by your parents?" bella nodded while looking at her feet, "yes. i'm having a sleepover at your place." she glanced at cleo, "i don't think there'll be that much sleeping." bella chuckled, turning to glance at averee, before looking back ahead, noticing will.

"what's will doing here?" the three continued walking, averee glanced up at the boy before rolling her eyes, walking closer to bella. "oh, hes always checking this place out. hey will." the three made their way over to the boy as he waved at them. averee stood behind bella as she glanced emotionless at the boy, "is ronny acting up like the others?" cleo glanced at the dolphin, "yeah, what's with that." "full moon tonight. it really gets them excited. all kinds of creatures go a bit crazy during a full moon." averee raised her eyebrows, looking at the floor as she felt bella reaching out for the girls hand again, will began walking off as averee grabbed bellas hand, "know the feeling. see ya." "bye cleo" averee sent the girl a lopsided grin that cleo returned, following bella.

the blonde caught up to will, dragging averee behind. "feel like a juice?" bella asked, directed at will. she already knew averees answer. "no thanks. i just wanna get home to rest. i couldn't sleep last night. i kept thinking about mako." "i thought you were over that." averee pulled herself closer to bella as she kept her eyes out on the water. "it still seems so real." "look we've been through this. you hit your head and you imagined it all. you really, have to get over it." averee didn't even like the boy, but she couldn't help but feel bad for the guy.

Apocalypse. B. HARTLEYWhere stories live. Discover now