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You wake up in Tony's bed with Tony and pepper next to you you were so confused you started crying and shook tony tony wakes up and sits up.

"Baby what's wrong" Tony asks you and you mange to don out "mm woke up.......Ann.....Ann.....chu went d-d-der Ann mm got took away agin" Tony pulls you into his lap.

"Oh my baby shhh"tony wraps his arms around you "your safe shh your in daddy's arms nothing can hurt you or take you because I will always protect you" he stands up with you and walks into the kitchen.

"Do you want baba" Tony asks abd you nod

"Who's daddy's gorgeous girl?" Tony

asks and you say "me"

"Who's daddy's number one girl?" Tony asks and you smile and say "me"

"And who's daddy's most favourite girl in the whole universe and multiverse?" You smile and say "me"

"That's right your so smart daddy's little genius" Tony says kissing your forehead.

Tony makes your bottle then goes to the living room and gives you it you spill a little over your face tony wipes it with his sleeve and says "messy baby" he puts your pacifier in your mouth and he cuddle and rocks you you eventually fall back asleep and so dose the middle of the night he moves himself to laying down with you on his chest.

You wake up to Steve shaking you and Tony.

"Noooo go away" you say hiding your face.

"Come on" Tony says sitting up

He picks you up and takes you to the table and sets you in your high chair.

He puts your breakfast in front of you and you eat it you were quiet wile you were eating your breakfast.

"You okay sweetie" pepper asks you and you nod

"Out" you say making grabby hands and Tony.

"Hang on let daddy finish his breakfast" Tony says and you pout

Tony finishes his breakfast and gets you out your high chair

"Let's go get ready" he says abd you nod

He takes you to your little room and quickly gets you ready and sets you down.

"What do you want to do?" Tony asks

"Dunno" you say shrugging

You go into the living room and lay on the end up falling asleep.

Tony walks in the steve and Bucky and says "I swear when I left her she was awake poor kid nightmare must have gotten to her"

Tony picks you up and takes you to your crib and lays you down in it and leaves

10 minutes later you wake up and cry.

"DADA,DADA,DADA" you shout and cry for tony he comes in and picks you up.

"It's okay I'm here now" Tony says bouncing you.

You hug him and he hugs you back.

Tony takes you into the living room and you okay with Bucky.

You give up playing and start rolling around the floor

"What are you doing silly" Tony asks

You look at him and stick your tongue out.

Tony acts shocked "y/n"

You giggle and smile.

"Do you want to go to the park?" Tony asks and you nod excitedly.

"Should we get uncle Steve and Bucky to come?" Tony asks and you nod abd jump up and down.

Tony smiles and picks you up he takes you to the couch and grabs your shoes and puts them on.

"Uncle steb uncle Steb" you say bouncing up and down

"Yes" he says

"Can chu and Bucky come to park?" You ask and Steve simes

"Sure why not"


Yous are at the park and you and Bucky are playing on the slide and Tony and Steve are at on the bench.

You are sat at the top about to go down and you feel someone push you.

It was 2 teenage boys.

"HAHA that's what you get for acting like a baby" the first boy says taking your pacifier out your mouth and chucking it.

"Hey dat mine" you say ready to cry

"Get away" Bucky shouts

The second boy pushes the both of yous down.

They take buckys pacifier and Chuck it at tony and Steve.

The both of them look to see yous on the floor and the boys kicking your toys about.

"HEY"Steve shouts and walks over to them.

Both boys run out the park and run releasing captain America was coming.

Tony picks you and Bucky up and takes yous to the beach and makes sure your both okay.

Steve walks back over "are yous okay" Steve asks and your both cuddling tony.

"There okay just a bit scared" he says rubbing you backs.

"Come here baby" Steve says picking Bucky up.

You hug tony tight.

He stands up with you and says " should we go home?"

You and Bucky both nod

"Do you want to walk" tony asks and you shake your head.

"Why don't the both of you go in your stroller" Steve says and yous look at eachother

The stroller wasn't to bad because it was a double one we're yous sat next to eachother.

You and Bucky nod.

Tony sits you in the stroller then straps you in then puts your blanket over you.

You put your fingers in your mouth

"Weres your pacifier?" Tony asks

"Boys Chuck dem" Bucky says

"Okay we will get some when we get to the tower" Steve says

They walk to the tower with yous in there arms when yous get in it's time for dinner so Tony and Steve sit yous in your high chair.

It was pizza so you were happy as you love pizza.

You eat all of it.

"Good girl" Tony kisses your forehead then wipes your hands and face.

He picks you up and sets you down.

"Dada dada dada dada dada" you jump up and down making grabby hands

"Y/n y/n y/n" Tony says making grabby hands at you

"Uppie" you say

Tony picks you up and you lay your head on him.

"Bath time" Tony says and you shake your head

"Yes" Tony says

"Nu uh Nu bath" you say

"Yes and that's final" Tony says going to the bathroom you cry and cry and cry

You cry through the whole bath until tony takes you out

He gets you changed for bed and you sit a cuddle with him

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