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Tony makes you a bottle and passes it to you and you drink it.

He gets you ready once your done and then gets your shoes and jacket on.

"Right you want blankie" tony asks and you nod "paci" tony asks and you nod and he clips one on to your jacket.

"Dada" you say and he looks at you and you rub your tummy.

"What's the matter are you hungry" Tony asks and you nod

"You want bottle agin" he asks and you nod.

"Chocolate milk" he says and you smile he fills your bottle up with chocolate milk and he picks you and your stuff up and goes to the car he sits you down and bucked you in and gives you your drink your bottle and put your pacifier in your mouth.

You drop your blanket and you can't reach it.

You cry

"It's okay it's okay" Tony says trying to comfort you the best he just cry and cry.

You cry until yous get to the shops and Tony gets you out the stand up and get your blanket.

"Dada" you say making grabby hands

"Baby walk for daddy until we get there" tony says and he gets a hold of your walk but you keep stumbling.

You trip over your own feet and Tony catches you.

"I'll just carry you" Tony says and he picks you up he takes you into the store.

"You want some sweets" tony asks and you smile.

Tony goes to the sweet isle and grabs some chocolate he gets what he needs and pats and sits you in the car.he drives back and you falll asleep he picks you up and takes you inside he lays you on the wake up 20 minutes later

"DADA" you shut and he walks in.

He picks you up and you snuggle into his neck.

"You still tired" he asks and you babble

"Your still feeling small aswell" tony says and Steve walks in with Bucky

"Who's ready to go to the park" Steve says excitedly

"MEE" Bucky says exited.

"What about you y/n" Steve asks and you babble

"Ah I see" Steve says and Tony nods they sit you and Bucky in your cry and Bucky sits down no bother.

"Dadaaaaaaaa nuuu" you cry

"Shhh" tony says putting your pacifier in your mouth and pushes the stroller back and forth.

"Nu" you say chucking the pacifier.

"No y/n that's naughty" tony says picking it up.

They finally leave and they start walking to the keep whining and trying to get out.

You end up falling wake up and yous are at the park

"Dada" you say sitting up.

"Hi baby" tony says taking you out of your push chair

He sits you on his lap and you lay your head on him.

You babble to him.

"Oh really" tony asks and you smile.

"Do you want to go play with Bucky" Steve asks and you giggle and nod.

"Bucky come here and help y/n" Steve shouts and Bucky runs over to you.

Y/ns little secret Where stories live. Discover now