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Sweet little flower
No petals out of place
Walk by give it a sniff
Watching the world waiting to be picked
Surviving storms and dark nights
But one guy comes by it catches his eye
Wrapping his hands plucking up the roots
Taking it home to put in a vase
Water and care for the first few
Sweet little flower is losing his interest
He starts to forget to water the flower
The first petal falls
It catches his attention
So he waters it
Walking away to finish his day
Sweet little flower leaves his mind
More petals fall
She needs more care
She's to much work so he leaves her there
To wilt alone
The chaos he caused
By picking the flower
When he didn't have the commitment
He didn't have the love or the care
To help the flower thrive
The whole problem could of been avoided if he just never would of picked
The Sweet little flower in the first place

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