66 | we're all looking at you, dad

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(season five, episode two)

FREYA FELL ASLEEP slumped against a tree with Judith in her lap and Carl's head on her shoulder

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FREYA FELL ASLEEP slumped against a tree with Judith in her lap and Carl's head on her shoulder. Aside from the fact there were probably bugs in her hair now, she didn't have a single complaint. Her eyes flickered open to find that the sun was yet to rise, it was close though. The sky was a beautiful coral colour, one Freya had only witnessed a few times but would remember forever. She peered down at her lap to find that Judith was still fast asleep, mouth half open, snoring almost as loud as Carl was. Freya had never believed in miracles, she wasn't even sure that she did now but finding Judith alive after everything... there had to have been some sort of divine intervention involved. A little part of her wanted so badly to believe Judith had been sent back by their mom.

"Do babies usually snore that loud?" Devin asked from the branch above Freya's head.

Freya peered up at her with widened eyes, watching as the girl's legs swung dangerously near her head. "Are you nuts?"

"No, but I did find some." Devin dropped a single pecan on Freya's head. "Oops."

"What the hell is your problem?" Freya shook her head lightly, trying to knock the pecan off. "Why are you hanging up a tree like some creep, trying to wake up kids?"

"I'm not trying to wake up the kids." Devin disappeared from Freya's sight, and then she landed at the side of the tree with a soft thud. "I was on watch."

"You're not on watch," Freya stated, glancing to her sleeping father on the other side of Carl. "I heard my dad specifically tell you no."

"Yeah, he did," Devin confirmed, reaching a hand out to retrieve the pecan she'd dropped on Freya's head. "I'm gonna give this one to Eugene." She pointed to Bob whose head was tilted to the side with drool dangling from his mouth, barely conscious. "Bob's on watch, by the way."

Freya rolled her eyes, knowing she'd have to go and take over from him. She couldn't leave Judith and Carl's lives in the hands of someone she barely knew. She tried to move Judith without waking her, but with only one hand and Carl's head on her shoulder, it proved difficult. With a reluctant sigh, she looked up at Devin. "Can you scoop her up? Just for a second?"

"No," Devin refused immediately, eyes widening in horror. "I don't do babies. They don't like me, and I don't like them. It's a mutual understanding."

"You dropped a pecan on my head," Freya reminded her sharply. "I'd say you owe me."

"I'm not touching that baby."

"Hey, watch your tone. She doesn't have a disease. You're the one with the problem."

Devin rubbed at her eyes, drawing Freya's attention to the dark circles that surrounded them and the gash on her forehead. Yesterday had not been her day at all. "Actually, you have the problem." She jutted her chin at Judith. "I will happily grab the other kid's head, though."

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