30 | weird historical references

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(season three, episode seven)

30; WEIRD HISTORICAL REFERENCES(season three, episode seven)

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Freya couldn't tear her eyes away from Formula Basket Lady, though she made a mental note to later chastise him for not listening when she'd told him to stay put. The woman had a katana and she was extremely skilled with it too, despite her clearly bleeding leg. She was holding her own against the Walkers but it was clear she was growing weak, she would surely pass out if kept on her feet any longer.

Freya pulled her machete from her belt. "I don't know about helping her but we need that formula for the baby."

Just as Freya predicted, the woman passed out and the Walkers swarmed toward her. Carl fired his gun before the devouring could start, and then he fired it again and again. He'd answered his own question. They were saving her. He threw their father the keys, enabling Rick to pull the gate open and run out to her.

Freya ran out after them, thrusting her blade into the eye socket of the Walker nearest her. She had to use both hands to pull it out, slashing was much easier than stabbing but it didn't quite get the job done.  "Carl, get that basket."

"I'm gonna grab her," Rick told his daughter, casting a worried glance at the fast-approaching Walkers. "You got them?"

"Yeah," Freya insisted, stepping forward. "Get her away from them."

"Is she bit?" Hershel enquired, he'd hobbled after them when they'd headed for the gate.

Rick crouched down in front of the formula basket lady, peering carefully at the wound on her leg. "Gunshot."

Freya's machete sliced through the air, removing Walker heads left, right and centre. It wasn't a time for precision, keeping the Walkers away from the group and the formula basket lady was all that mattered.

Carl ran back into the safety of the prison grounds with the basket firmly in hand. "Got it. Get back in here."

Rick hoisted the Formula Basket Lady into his arms, holding her up with one arm whilst he fired his gun at the Walkers with the others. "In, now. Freya go."

She didn't need telling twice. She ran back inside, catching the keys thrown to her by her father. He carried the woman off into the prison leaving Freya to lock the gates.

Out of all the things she'd expected of that day, a stranger walking among Walkers showing up with a basket of formula was not one of them.



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