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A month has gone by ever since the Oya High and Sannoh Squad fiasco. Misako heard about how Cobra invaded the school in order to save the new member and a current member from Hoodlum Squad, Chiharu and Yamato. After the confusion, it seemed that Murayama admitted his defeat and let Hoodlum leave peacefully. Misako could only assume that Murayama held a deep respect for Cobra now.

Murayama, Seki, and Furuya would frequently come by to Misako's shop, eager to buy new Korean snacks. It was safe to say that Misako and the three Oya High members had formed a friendly bond. Misako seemed to notice that Murayama had also been a little more mature than before. It looked like after the big fight between Hoodlum and Oya High, Murayama felt the need to grow up a little more.

Lala, as promised, had been spending a lot of time in Misako's shop too. Every night before Misako's visit to the Nameless City, Lala and her would have a sleepover. They would spend time making snacks to the people who lived in the Nameless City. It was fun to have another pair of helping hands and Misako was also happy that she had Lala's company at least twice a week.

One night before Misako's visit, Lala had the weird request of borrowing one of Misako's fancy clothes. Misako was quite confused at why Smokey's sister would ask for these kinds of clothes but let her borrow it. The girl simply took the clothes and told the older woman that she wouldn't be able to help her out. Misako watched Lala leave her house in pure confusion. She just hoped that the young lady wouldn't put herself into some serious trouble.

Misako was wrong. She was so wrong to have let Lala borrow her clothes. The next day, when Misako arrived at her store after a walk with Meong-Meong, she was met with nothing but her store all messy. All her flowers were destroyed and every snack that she was were all opened and thrown on the floor. In the middle of her store, stood a tall blond man all in white.

"For a man who promised to protect women, you sure have no respect for their things, don't you?" Misako asked, still shocked at her surroundings. She was angry. Why would they do that to her store? She had never crossed paths with them, so why were they trashing her place?

"What did you say?" Rocky turned his head towards her, staring into her soul.

"I said: For a man who promised himself to protect women, you sure have no respect for their things." Misako said slowly. She glared at him intently. She wasn't scared of Rocky despite knowing that he could pack a strong punch, the White Rascals's leader would trash her store all he wanted, but he would never touch a woman in an inappropriate way. The man was dangerous, but he stood by his values of never hurting a woman.

"Excuse us," Koo said as he walked up to Misako's side. "We know that you visit Nameless City, so you know what they have been doing don't you?"

"What are you talking about?" Misako asked them not to have a clue of what they were saying.

"Smokey's sister, she came by our club," Rocky said, "stole something from us, and even involved a Sannoh Squad member. You better tell us what you know."

"I told you, I have no idea about what you are saying," Misako said truthfully, "Lala did borrow some of my clothes two days ago, but I had no idea she would go to Club Heaven."

Rocky looked at her and noticed that she was speaking the truth. He looked at his gang members and nodded his head telling them to stop trashing her store. "Looks like I have made a mess. I apologize."

Misako simply showed them the way out of her store. Meong-Meong growled at the men as they walked by him, angry at the men who had made a mess in his owner's store. Misako watched, clearly mad, as the White Rascals walked out of her store. She kept her eyes on them until they were all gone.

HiGH&LOW Series: Until The End of the World (SmokeyxOCxSlight!AmamiyaHiroto)Where stories live. Discover now