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Misako should've stayed in the Nameless City. That's what she had thought to herself. The reason why she believed that staying in Nameless City was her best choice was because she was being followed. She couldn't see who was following her but she hoped that she could reach her home soon.

Hearing a bunch of footsteps sound right behind her, Misako knew she had to quicken her pace. "Meong-Meong, let's go. Quick." Her dog, just like his owner, walked a little faster until both started to run. The men behind her, seemed to notice that Misako was aware of them following her, they also ran after the woman determined to grab her.

Misako knew that she couldn't lead them to her house or else it would be even dangerous, so she made sure that she would lose them before she arrived home. She kept running in circles around the neighborhood until she lost them. Once she couldn't hear the footsteps anymore, she walked towards her house.

When she turned around, a hand shot up to and covered her mouth. "Don't you dare to make a move. I'll hurt you if you do."

Meong-Meong, who noticed his owner being held captive, barked aggressively, biting into one of the kidnaper's legs. The man screamed in pain and tried to make the dog let go of his hand. This distracted the other guy who was holding Misako tightly and he let go of her mouth. Misako used this opportunity and used her elbow to strike her kidnaper's stomach.

The man let go of Misako and ran away from them, "Meong-Meong, let's go!"

"Don't let her get away!"

Misako ran with her towards Itokan Diner's direction, she knew that the Hoodlum Squad was still there hanging out. She could ask for help. Her luck ran short because more men gathered around her and blocked hers and Meong-Meong's path. One of the men grabbed Meong-Meong and held him tightly so he wouldn't be able to do anything.

"Shit." Misako cursed now clearly not being able to do anything against a bunch of men.

"Aren't you a pretty lady," a bald man came close to her. "The money I could make by selling you."

"Don't you even dare," Misako growled out but quietly down once the man grabbed her neck and squeezed it painfully.

"Mmm... maybe I should just play with you first," the man disgustingly whispered in her ear, making her flinch away from him.

Misako tried to use her arms to punch him or do something against him but without being able to even breathe due to the guy squeezing her neck, she was hopeless. The guy smirked at her using his other hand to touch her body. The hand in her neck loosened a little and Misako used the advantage to scream out for help. She was quickly silenced as the guy put a hand over her mouth and the other that was still touching her tugged her shirt harshly. Misako felt her shirt being ripped apart and tears slid down her cheeks. She tried to shrug away the hands that were touching her skin inappropriately but it was no use.

"Hey! Haven't you been taught to not touch women inappropriately?" A new voice scolded the men.

Misako immediately felt hands leave her skin and her body fell limply on the floor. She couldn't see who her saviors were, but she would be eternally grateful for their help. Before she fell in deep darkness, she could see the silhouette of two men in leather jackets fighting off the men who tried to kidnap her.

"Hey... miss... hey! Are you okay?"

Misako's eyes slowly opened and the first thing she saw was a man worriedly patting her cheek to wake her up. Misako quickly gained her consciousness and felt she now could clearly see two men looking at her in worry. The first thing she remembered was that she was shirtless and used her hands to cover herself only to notice that a leather jacket was placed on her body.

HiGH&LOW Series: Until The End of the World (SmokeyxOCxSlight!AmamiyaHiroto)Where stories live. Discover now