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The Rude Boys came to where Smokey and Misako were with worried faces. With them were children who were slightly shaken up. Misako was quick on her feet to check on the children before looking up at Takeshi. "Again?"

Takeshi nodded his head and looked over to Smokey. "These kidnapping attempts have been more frequent lately. Do you think Kuryu is behind this?"

"They are definitely behind this," P said.

Smokey looked at his family and stayed quiet. He was weaker than before and was prohibited by Lala and Misako as well as the Rude Boys to not walk around alone anymore. No more fights, to which the leader agreed without putting up a fight.

"I need you guys to go and see what Cobra wants," Smokey finally spoke up. "He called for a meeting, we shouldn't ignore."

"Do you think it might be related to these attacks and to Misako's USB?" Takeshi asked. Smokey nodded his head at Takeshi's question. The Rude Boys all nodded their heads and got ready to leave the Nameless City.

Misako looked over at Smokey after sending the kids off back, "what you think Cobra would want?" The male shrugged his shoulders slightly, but they were aware that Cobra would be telling everyone about the casino project and maybe request a SWORD alliance.

Not an hour later, the Rude Boys returned and confirmed both Smokey's and Misako's suspicions. Cobra indeed planned to make a SWORD alliance. Misako didn't think it was a bad idea to join an alliance within SWORD, she believed that Smokey had some other thoughts about it but wasn't completely against the idea of alliance.

Smokey said nothing in reply to the Rude Boys and simply stood up with the help of Misako. He walked away with Misako by his side and the Rude Boys all followed behind the man. While they were walking they met with Lala, Eri, and a happy Meong-Meong met them halfway.

"Smokey!" The girl ran up to him. "Are you alright?"

Smokey gave her a smile, "I am alright." But before anything else could be said, Smokey started to cough. Misako reached out a hand to rub his back soothingly hoping it would somehow help him. Smokey was able to restrain himself. Eri, who saw the state that Smokey was in, reached out for her necklace and took it off offering it to Smokey.

"This is for you," the girl said.

"Are you sure?" Lala asked, "Isn't this precious to you?"

"That is why I want to give it to him," Eri said with a smile.

Smokey looked at the necklace and gave her a smile, "I am alright. This, Eri can have it." The male placed the necklace back on Eri's hand. Eri gave him a sad smile and nodded her head before coughing violently.

"Eri?" Lala placed her hand on her back worriedly. Smokey did the same and his gaze went to Misako's. There was no mistake that Eri had the same symptoms that Smokey had.

"That, back there..." Takeshi said.

"There is no doubt..." P muttered. "Smokey..."

Smokey nodded his head, "Eri has the same illness I have, we need to find a way for her to get treated."

"Smokey, we don't have enough to use it on her too," someone said.

"Don't worry about me," Smokey told them, "focus more on the younger ones. I am fine."


Smokey looked at Takeshi and the shorter male nodded his head in defeat. With that the men all left leaving Misako and Smokey behind. Misako approached the male and gave him a kiss on the forehead, the male gave her a small smile. "You are leaving already?"

HiGH&LOW Series: Until The End of the World (SmokeyxOCxSlight!AmamiyaHiroto)Where stories live. Discover now