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Four years have gone by and Misako has finally moved on from the past. She still continued her visits to the Nameless City. Takeshi, the new Rude Boys's leader, and the rest of the boys continued to have a close relationship with her. Lala would also come by to hang out with Misako every now and then whenever they had time. The people in Nameless City moved on just like Misako had. They had been living for Smokey as a family, each of them following their own dreams. Both the Rude Boys and Misako were sure that Smokey would be proud of them if they saw them now.

After SWORD defeated Kuryu, each gang had moved on from all the mess that Kuryu had caused. Dan, Tettsu, and Chiharu had left Sannoh to explore the world beyond SWORD. The White Rascals found a new place to restart New Club Heaven, and had been living well as the years went by.

Oya High also moved on. One day, while Misako was busy picking up some boxes that were left for her store, she met Muyarama who had told her about his retirement and finally leaving Oya High. She suspected that Murayama was finally ready to grow up and live an adult life with Atsuko. Misako also belived that the possibility of why Oya High's King would leave the school was that he had found someone who was worthy enough to lead Oya High after him.

Lastly, Daruma Ikka also moved on, and Misako could just say that those men hadn't changed much. She suspected that they continued to be themselves in their own area, partying and having fun in their own way. As for the Mugen former members, they were once again in the shadows, Misako hadn't heard much of them except that they were well. It wasn't as if she was close to them anyway.

"Thank you for your purchase~" Misako told an old woman who waved at her with a smile. Misako returned her smile with one of her own. Once the old woman left, Misako went to her flower shop to prepare her bouquet of flowers for Smokey. She was finally going to visit the Nameless City after a busy week.

She was so busy making her bouquet that she didn't notice someone coming into her flower shop. Misako gasped in surprise, feeling arms wrap around her waist placing small kisses down her neck to her shoulder since she was wearing a sleeveless dress. Misako relaxed into his arms and gave the man a smile. "Your brother is here, shouldn't you be taking care of our guest?"

"He can help himself," Hiroto muttered watching Misako go back to work on her bouquet of flowers. "Visiting him today?"

"Mm," Misako hummed.

Misako and Hiroto started dating a year ago. It took two and a half years for Misako to be back in the dating world. She wasn't prepared to let go of Smokey just yet. She eventually got over him, and he became someone whom she had loved and whom she now holds dearly in her heart. She would always love him, but he was not with them now, and she needed to move on.

Hiroto and Masaki were always near her, checking up on her weekly. She didn't know how but one day she just started to look at Hiroto differently. She would find herself staring at him longer than usual. His physical appearance started to appeal more to her. Her heart would beat faster whenever he was close to her.

As for Hiroto, the man liked her ever since that day when he first saved her from those assholes who had assaulted her. But since she was already with Smokey at that time, he decided to ignore his feelings seeing that she was happy with Smokey. Hiroto also respected the former Rude Boys's leader too much to get in between the couple anyway. When Misako was finally ready to date again, he didn't miss his chance to impress her, which he eventually did.

One day, Hiroto simply came into her shop and kissed her. To say she was surprised was an understatement. She was completely flabbergasted and didn't react to his kiss. He quickly broke away ready to apologize, but she stopped him and asked him if what he had just done was his true feelings. The man said nothing, but nodded his head and the rest was history.

Hiroto was very understanding when it came to Misako's visits to Nameless City and Smokey. He was jealous at first and thought that Misako was still unable to let go of Smokey but later came to understand that Misako did love him. Yes, she didn't love Hiroto the same way she loved Smokey. They were different people after all and had different personalities. Misako loved Hiroto very much and had never failed to show him how much she loved him whenever she had the chance.

"Do you need a ride?" Hiroto asked her.

"You should stay here and be nice to our guest," Misako told him.

"Yeah, listen to her, Hiroto. You can't leave onii-chan here alone," Masaki agreed, entering Misako's workshop. "Just because you two are dating doesn't mean that you should ignore me."

Hiroto rolled his eyes and looked at Misako with pleading eyes, practically begging her to let him give her a ride to Nameless City. Misako pressed her lips into a thin line to hide her smile. She had to admit that it was always fun to watch Masaki taunt his brother and Hiroto always ignore his aniki's antics. The woman would usually side with the elder Amamiya only to see Hiroto's annoyed expression at his brother, but she decided to side with Hiroto just this time.

"I guess, Hiroto can give me a ride this time," Misako shrugged her shoulders, "I am sorry Masaki-san."

"You are going to leave me alone here to deal with the store?" Masaki's eyes widened looking at the couple in disbelief.

"Meong-Meong is with you," Hiroto told his brother.

"He is barely active these days!" Masaki complained. It was true, Meon-Meong was already old and had less energy than he did four years ago. He would rarely go to Nameless City and would be very tired whenever Misako or Hiroto came home from his daily walk.

"It won't be long," Misako told Masaki and patted his shoulder. "Just think of all the ladies coming into the shop excited to see the Amamiya brother on the counter."

Masaki took a few seconds to process the image that Misako had pictured. "I guess it wouldn't be so bad. Then you two, go. Have fun."

Hiroto gave Misako an annoyed look and she returned it with a wink and pushed him towards his motorcycle.

Misako and Hiroto arrived at Nameless City earlier than expected. She was greeted by Eri who had been doing much better after Kuryu's defeat, she had been getting treatments as well as the other kids who had the same symptoms as Smokey and Eri. Takeshi and the other Rude Boys had also welcomed her with open arms. Lala was stoked to see her best friend there to see them. They had been conversing for a few hours before Misako went to Smokey's grave.


"Hi Smokey," Misako called, placing the bouquet of flowers on his grave, "it's been so long since I last came. I am sorry for not coming too often, the store has been busy these past few months. I also wanted to tell you that Hiroto and I are doing well, he is honestly the best thing that had happened to me after your passing. The Amamiya siblings are fun to live with, I can never get tired of them." Misako let out a soft chuckle remembering all the bickering among the two brothers. "He proposed to me last week, I said 'yes' and I wanted to tell you that I have been living my life and moving on, just like I promised you. I will be visiting you less than usual now, since I will be busy with the wedding plans and also with my own family. Thank you for looking after us," Misako said quietly with a soft smile. "We are all okay now, Smokey. Rest well."

Misako stayed on Smokey's grave for a few more minutes before going back to where Hiroto was waiting for her. When she arrived there, Misako saw Hiroto leaning on his bike and having a smoke. She made her way to him with a huge smile and gave him a big hug.

"You were quick today," Hiroto said, wrapping his arms around her.

"I just wanted to let him know that we are okay," Misako answered. Hiroto gave her a nod.

"Should we go home?" Hiroto asked.

Misako nodded her head and pecked his lips, "let's go home."

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