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"Run!" Misako called as she helped the kids run to safety. She couldn't believe what was happening. The Iemura group was mercilessly tearing the city down, hunting down both elders and kids. With the rest of the Rude Boys still out there fighting Doubt and Smokey still unable to fight well due to his sickness, it was only up to Misako and Lala to help.

"And the rest?" Lala asked.

Misako shook her head, "they were gone by the time I could reach them. Kuryu is making their move."

"What do we do now?" Lala asked. "What exactly are they after?"

"Your brother," Misako said. "They are after your brother."

"Why onii-chan?" Lala asked, clearly wary of Misako. "What do you know?"

"Your brother is a victim of a drug substance that was released in the Nameless City a long time ago. A lot of the people in Nameless City are, that is why Kuryu is here. They want to eliminate all of those who have the same symptoms that Smokey has." Misako explained. Lala's eyes widened at the latter's words.

"Everyone? Then..." Misako nodded at Lala's unspoken question. "Why did you hide it from me? Does onii-chan know about this?" Misako nodded her head once again. "He told you not to tell me didn't he?" The older woman gave Lala an apologetic smile. Lala shook her head in disbelief that her brother would hide something like that from her.

Misako reached out her hand and patted Lala's shoulder in comfort. She knew that Lala was slightly disappointed in her brother for not trusting her, but she also knew that Lala would do the same to Smokey. Both siblings were stubborn and didn't want each other to worry.

That night, Misako sat beside Smokey who was silent and in deep thought. The woman said nothing and simply stared into the brown colored wall also in deep thought. The couple had a similar thought in mind: Everyone should leave Nameless City. It was too dangerous for them to stay.


"I know." Smokey turned to her and gave her a nod. "They need to leave Nameless City."

"Smokey, you should also leave with them," Misako pleaded, placing her small hands on Smokey's cheeks, "you'll die if you stay. You know they want you dead."

Smokey shook his head. "I can hold them off while our family runs away. You already knew it would be this way."

Misako choked on her breath. "Smokey... I-I-I can't... I can't let you go..."

Smokey gave her his usual soft smile and placed his hand on her cheeks stroking it lovingly. "Yes you can. You promised." Smokey leaned his forehead against Misako's. Misako's tears fell down her cheeks, she was inconsolable. She couldn't find herself to be able to leave him. She couldn't imagine a world without Smokey, she loved him so much to let him go this way. It wasn't fair. It seemed that the universe was against them having a peaceful life together.

"I love you," Misako whispered in between sobs, "I love you so much."

Smokey gave her a soft smile and leaned in, "I love you, with all my heart. Ever since that day we met. Thank you, for everything." With that, both leaned in and their lips met for the last time. It was a goodbye kiss, where Misako poured everything into it. Smokey did the same and pulled her closer in a warm hug.

They broke apart and leaned their foreheads against each other. Smokey wiped off her tears and gave her one last peck on her lips. Once they broke apart from each other, Misako helped Smokey walk to where the rest of the Rude Boys were.

"Onii-chan, you should be resting," Lala said once she saw a puffy eyed Misako and a slightly weak Smokey walk into the place.

"You guys be ready to leave this place," Smokey instructed.

HiGH&LOW Series: Until The End of the World (SmokeyxOCxSlight!AmamiyaHiroto)Where stories live. Discover now