I believe a lot of things. I believe it's impossible for a person to learn everything. I believe ghosts are real. I believe Big Foot might be real. I believe everyone has some evil in them and everyone has some kindness in them, but they choose which to use when reacting to stupid people is their choice. I believe if people truly want something, they should chase it. I believe a lot of things.
I believe that everyone should have equal rights. I believe everyone is created equal. I believe in LGBTQ+ rights. Same-sex marriage should be allowed. Transgender people should be able to use their gender to decide which bathroom to go into rather than deciding by which one will get them beat up. People should not be discriminated, because of their gender identity or sexual orientation. There's a difference between someone's sex and their gender. Someone's sex is determined by their genitals and sex chromosomes. Gender is determined by what the person feels like they are. If someone feels like a boy, they are a boy, if someone feels like a girl, they are a girl, and that's how it should be in my opinion.
Also about gender, everyone believes that there are just two genders. Girls and boys, right? I believe there are three sexes and endless amounts of genders. The three sexes I believe exist are female, male, and intersex. Intersex babies are born more often than you think, I have recently learned. As I said, there are endless amounts of genders. There's ones as simple as male and female and as complicated as genderfluid. I don't believe I know of anyone of a different gender from male and female. I know of a few people whose sexual orientation differ from the normal standards, but no gender.
I am also a firm believer that gender roles suck. If a guy wants to wear a dress or a girl wants to wear a suit, what's stopping them? Peer pressure ensures that everyone dresses and acts like our gender, but that shouldn't be how someone decided how to act and dress. Most people see girls and boys as black and white. They don't see any in between where a girl acts like a guy or a guy acts like a girl. It's not all black and white, there's a lot of gray that most people don't even know exists. Also, the whole 'men dominate women' is stupid. As a feminist (Update: Anti-feminist, now just pro equality, since feminists movement is too sexist), who believes men and women are equal, the statement above is absolutely inconsequential. I believe women deserve everything men deserve. That includes the same prison sentence for wrong doings and same treatment overall. Women are equal. I think that guys can punch girls in their faces just as much as a girl can punch a girl in the face. I think girls can become a great president just like men can. The only thing men can do that girls can't is pee standing up. And even transgender women can do that if they didn't have bottom surgery.Off gender and LGBT subjects, I believe in ghosts. Well, not necessarily ghosts, but spirits. I believe that when spirits don't let their reaper take them to Heaven, they become spirits. I have seen weird shadows in my house before that didn't resemble anything around it. Once, when I was four, I saw three shadows in my computer room. And once my mom was walking through the doorway between the computer room and kitchen and felt a bone chilling cold. It was not only summer, but at a part of the house without a window. I hear voices sometimes too, a lot lately, but I think that's probably from watching 'Supernatural' all the time.
I believe in things like everyone can be smart and everyone can be creative. They may not be born a natural artist, but practice makes improvement, right? Now, I say improvement, because there's no such thing as perfect. People strive for perfection, but why? It isn't real. It isn't attainable. Perfection is just an idea we made up in our minds when we haven't gotten close enough. You may say someone you love is perfect. Become better friends with them and you'll realize their flaws. There's nothing wrong with having flaws, it's natural. Everyone has flaws, I have more than is necessary, trust me. I have begun to see people's flaws and wonder how they got them. If it's their personality, I wonder if it was their upbringing or if it was the way people at school treat them. If it was their appearance, I wonder if it was genetic or a mutation or something that was environmental. I enjoy the science and facts of humans. I know from personal experience, there's no such thing as perfect. You may think that an artwork or song or essay, anything you made, is perfect, but the next guy who comes along doesn't have your brain, might not see your view. She/he may not like it, even if in your mind, it's perfect.For art class, we were working on clay projects. I made a mug and since I had a little piece of extra clay, I made a top hat and put it on the mug. I have a mug with a top hat and it'll have a face and a mustache and one of those one eye glasses things they had formal old guys wear in old movies and it'll have bow tie at the bottom. That's what I want it to be, because that is my view for it, I want it to look like a guy from the olden days, I will enjoy that mug (I can't drink out of since it's clay, but I'll find a use for it), because it's a reflection of my personality. The guy who sits in the row next to me made Spongebob's house. He wanted to make that, it showed his personality. So I think my mug will be perfect, he thinks his pineapple house will be perfect. We may look at each others projects and absolutely hate it. I don't, I think it's awesome, but I don't think it's perfect. I think for his personality it is, but not for mine. I don't watch Spongebob anymore, I collect mugs and candles and plants, so I made a mug and maybe I'll put a plant in it, or a nice candle. Or maybe I'll just put pencils in it, either way, it's something I will enjoy. I think everyone should create their own perfection and not care what anyone else thinks.
I also enjoy Tumblr, HEY O!
I'm Laughing At My Own Jokes
SonstigesRemember that time my eighth grade english teacher made us write our own autobiographies? I extended the project.