There may be times when you may be questioning your sexual/romantic orientation, gender, even existence. It's normal. Everyone questions something in their life. Some more than others, some barely ever.
If you're questioning your gender or sexual/romantic orientation, I'm talking to you specifically. This journey is not going to be easy, I can guarantee you that. There will always be someone who won't support you. There will always be people who won't understand. There always is. But don't think it's all bad. The relief that overwhelms you when you come out to someone who understands and/or supports you is one of the most amazing things you'll ever experience. It's absolutely amazing and refreshing. I've never experienced anything so wonderful.
I won't sugarcoat it, coming out is the most nerve wrecking processes I've ever gone through. It makes you wanna puke and cry and hyperventilate, there is so much anxiety involved. It makes you mad, because straight, cis people don't have to come out, but if you do. I'm still pissed about it.
It makes you care more about LGBTQ+ rights, even if it won't affect you, because you know they went/ are going through the same process of coming out as you.
I'm always here. For anyone. I don't care if I hate you or love you, I will be there for you. You know why? Because I know it sucks. I know it does, I've been through it, it's a bunch of shit. But we all gotta yank up our big boy/ girl panties and suck it up, because that's life. Life isn't easy.
Let me straighten some shit out. I don't care what you look like. I don't care what you identify as. I don't care if people think you're a good person. I don't care about your race, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, etc. I don't care how mentally ill you are. I don't care if you're funny or serious. I don't care how much or little you hate yourself. If I think you're a good person, that's all that matters in this friendship.
And now I want to say something to people who don't support... well anything, if there is something you don't support, read this:
Who the fuck are you? Seriously, who are you? Do your opinions matter to anyone? Probably fucking not. If so, the people who your opinion matters to, what about them? Do they matter? No. Will anyone remember any of you after you've been dead for 100 years or 200 years or even just 25 years? Probably not. You know why? Because oblivion is inevitable. Yeah, I quoted TFIOS, you know why? Because no one will remember this soon. This may not receive any reads as it is.
So where is it your place to judge someone? No matter what you're judging, where is it your place? So what if that girl is a prostitute? As long as she's happy and okay with it and safe, who the fuck cares? So what that guy's a little heavy? If he's happy, don't be a dick and make him feel bad. So what you're kid says they don't have a gender? Why do you care if they're happy?
I am pro-gay, pro-trans, pro-porn, pro-feminism, pro-anti-feminism, I'm pro anything that gives the person a choice. I think people can spend all day getting high if they want, I think they can spend all day watching porn.
As long as everyone involved (if you're just judging, you aren't involved) is okay and/or happy with it.
Consent is key to all of this. If everyone gives consent, do the thing. If someone is even questioning it, do not do the thing until and unless they give consent.
Just let people be happy and don't be a dick.
I'm Laughing At My Own Jokes
RandomRemember that time my eighth grade english teacher made us write our own autobiographies? I extended the project.