Empress Jingū

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Name: Empress Jingū
Servant Class: Saber
Alternate Classes: Caster
Source: Japanese Mythology, Nihon Shoki
Region: Japan
Hidden Attribute: Earth
Alignment: True Neutral
Stat Sheet
Strength: C
Endurance: C
Agility: C
Mana: A
Luck: A
Class Skills
Magic Resistance A
Riding B
Personal Skills
Divinity C
Imperial Privilege B
Oni Kind Demon B
Military Tactics B
Affection of the Kami B
Stat Sheet
Strength: D
Endurance: C
Agility: D
Mana: A
Luck: A
Class Skills
Territory Creation B
Item Construction B
Personal Skills
Divinity C
Imperial Privilege B
Charisma B
Witchcraft A
High-Speed Incantation A
Affection of the Kami B

Empress Jingū was the mythical 15th ruler of Japan from the late 2nd to the early 3rd Century. Her father is Okinaganosukune and her mother is Kazurakinotakanuka-hime who is the descendant of Amenohiboko the legendary prince of Korea. The consort to Emperor Chūai, she also served as regent from the time of her husband's death in 201 until her son Emperor Ōjin acceded to the throne in 269. She was an extraordinary powerful shaman as well as an empress and the vessel through which the gods made known their will to the emperor.
Her husband, Emperor Chūai, had planned a military offensive against the Kumaso. However, Jingū was visited in a dream by a deity who told her of the riches of the kingdom of Silla, one of the three ruling kingdoms of ancient Korea. That night Jingū was visited by a dream, a deity appeared to her and said, "Why should the emperor worry about the Kumaso not surrendering to him? The Kumaso have little to offer. It is not worth your while to raise an army against them. There is a better land called Silla, which lies on Mukatsu. There you can find treasures in plenty, for Silla is a rich country full of marvelous things dazzling to the eye—gold, silver, and bright-colored jewels. If you worship me with proper offerings, I shall see to it that Silla will yield. Your soldiers will not even have to draw their swords. Victory is yours."
When Jingū explained her vision to Chūai, he did not believe her. He dismissed her claim and instead continued with his plans to fight against the Kumaso rebels. His campaign was unsuccessful and his army sustained heavy losses. Chūai died shortly thereafter. Upon his death, Jingū took up the throne and began making preparations to sail across the sea to Silla. She announced to her ministers "To listen to the will of God, to move the people of war, is a matter of great concern to the country. From above, I shall receive the support of the spirits of the Gods of Heaven and Earth, while, below, I shall avail myself of the assistance of you, my ministers. Brandishing our weapons, we shall cross the towering billows: preparing a fleet of ships, we shall take possession of the Land of Treasure. If this expedition is successful, it will be due to you, my ministers; and, if not, I alone am to blame."

Jingū was aided by a pair of divine jewels, the Tide Jewels, which enabled her to control the tides. When she arrived in Korea, the waters receded until her ships were grounded on the tide flats. Believing that Jingū's men were stranded and vulnerable, the Korean general ordered his army to attack. As they approached the Japanese fleet, a sudden swell of water rushed in, drowning a significant portion of the Korean forces while lifting the boats and carrying them swiftly to shore. Jingū then landed on the Korean peninsula and commanded an invasion in which she conquered the kingdom of Silla without shedding a single drop of blood. After three years, Jingū returned to Japan as a renowned war hero
Due to the two sides of how Jingū was in her legend both as a warrior ruler who successfully conquered an entire nation without bloodshed and as a powerful shaman empress she can be summoned into two forms. As a Saber she resembles the fierce warrior ruler she was during her time of conquest with the Kami supporting her along the way. Due to her Imperial Privilege Skill it changes her spirit origin to match this even adding Oni Kind Demon Skill to further enhance her abilities in combat despite no evidence of her being one. The sword she wields changes too from a powerful mystic code that invokes Magic from the age of gods to that of a sword that splits into seven forms.
As a Caster she takes on a form much suited to how she was when she was actually an empress. Her skills and abilities drastically change with swordsmanship being exchanged for her powerful abilities as a shaman. She loses the Oni Kind Demon Skill and the Seven Branched Sword acts as a powerful and highly durable mystic code that is able to invoke magic from the Age of Gods able to destroy one hundred soldiers

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