Hassan I' Sabbah

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Name: Hassan of the White Fang
Status: Demi-Servant(Blake Belladonna)
Servant Class: Assassin
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Strenght C -> B
Agility B -> A
Endurance D -> C
Mana B
Luck E

During the fall of Beacon Blake had seen Yang die trying to save her from Adam. Having had a succesfull day Adam takes Blake back to Mistral where he indoctrinated her to belief his very word was law. She broke quite swiftly, unable to resist his torture, indoctrination and especially the thought that all hell was her fault. Being trained to be an assasin for Adam she tried to eradicate her former teammates Weiss and Ruby. To no success as they defeated her and killed her after an emotional fight that had shed tears and blood. In death her body merged with one of the Hassan, specifically the one of hundred faces. Their ability and trait of being an assasin was what connected them. They were both no heroes, now they are one. Blake has dropped her name and now refers to herself as Hassan of the White Fang.

Blake looks exactly like she did at first in appearance. The only changes were the new mask she wears that resembles a mask of the Hassan and one of the White Fang. She also began wearing less clothes that look identical to a Hassan.

PERSONALITY: Blake's negative traits and thoughts have been amplified and indoctrinated

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Blake's negative traits and thoughts have been amplified and indoctrinated. She dislikes those that judge others because of their existence, especially those who see animals as lesser. She is cold, merciless and rather untrusting of someone like her master. She has not been able to recall anything of her past life except for what Adam stomped in. Blake has a severe case of Schizophrenia, at times she can be nice, then cruel, then suddenly pro-White Fang, the suddenly in her normal run away self and then suddenly merciless and cold.


Presence Concealment A+:
Hides one's presence as a Servant. Suitable for spying. It is possible to disappear completely and become almost impossible to be detected, even against a Servant's perception. However, efficiency will decrease once preparations to attack are taken

Possession Inheritance: Assasin of a Hundred Faces B:
The composite skill that adds Expert of many Specializiations B and Librarian of Knowledge C
Due to Blake's situation being different in form than Hundred Faced Hassan her copies do not possess skills the other does not. Instead they specialize in one while Blake's main body knows all of the skills.

Beast Slayer C:
In Beacon academy Blake learned to efficiently kill creatures of Grimm, but due to Adam's indoctrination and training of making her his personal toy and assasin has made her proffessioned in killing humans rather than beasts. This makes it that all the physical stats raise up half a rank.

Aura B:
Aura is in the world of Remnant (Hah! Get it, the Qrow explainging series, you guys realize I copy paste this part right?) a sort of 'magical' power that almist everyone unlocks in their life. It can heal non-fatal wounds like a cut and prevent fatal wounds for a while. In battle she can sustain damage for some time, but a noble phantasm is not negated at all by this.

<Zabaniya: Shadow Copies>
Anti-Unit(self)   B
Blake can temporarily summon multiple shadow copies of herself that bear one of her Schizophrenic personalities. She can also use it in a lesser form as ability to use shadow copies to dodge attacks in combat.

<Gambol Shroud>
Anti-Unit C
The katana and attached gun that is deisgned for speed attacks. Blake rarely uses the gun anymore and took it off, keeping only the katana as a knife for assasination. The weapon is not so much a true Phantasm as more a broken Phantasm that stands for her broken life.

Published: 3/5/23

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