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Name: Isabella Versailles
Servant Class: Assassin
Alternate Classes: Caster
Gender: Female
Height: 5'6
Weight: 162lbs
Source: Myth/Legend
Region: Greece
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Agility: C

Isabella was the daughter of Apate and a mortal prince. Her father was tricked into falling in love with Apate, who used him to fulfill one of her many schemes to cause conflict in the mortal world. Isabella grew up to despise her mother, as she was the only one who could see Apates true nature. Due to this, Apate turned everyone against Isabella and threatened to kick her out of the family if she retaliated against her. Her father couldn't do much since Apate wielded all the power in the family, being able to twist her words to convince others to do stuff they normally wouldn't do.
Isabella, still reliant on her parents, couldn't do much but accept her mother's terms. In frustration, she decided that the only way to truly succeed in the world is to become powerful and outsmart others. This mindset was the goal of Apate all along, to turn her daughter into a evil schemer just like her. She soon taught Isabella the art of illusion and deception, and gave her many advises and strategies on deceiving others.
Despite her mother's evil influence, Isabella was still very close to her father, which allowed her to remain a moderately good person. He taught her the values of morality and moderation, as well as honesty and virtue, which was the complete opposite of what Isabella's mother taught her. Because of this, Isabella began setting some moral codes for herself that she promised not to cross, no matter what her mother said otherwise.
When Isabella became 24, she was known throughout the land as a powerful and just sorceress. Her mother Apate was dissapointed in this, as she expected her daughter to become evil like her. Discovering that it was Isabella's father who thwarted her plans, she killed him and attempted to blame it on Isabella, to turn the crowds against her daughter so that she may become evil and disregard her moral values.
However, Isabella was equally knowledgeable in the arts of deception just like her mother, and swiftly countered her influence with strategies and scheming of her own. This enraged Apate, who decided to end her daughter's life since she was becoming an obstacle towards her grand plan. In an epic duel between mother and daughter, Isabella was soon defeated and killed by Apate despite her powerful illusions, but not before trapping the evil goddess within a lantern so she couldn't cause any more harm to the mortal realm. With Apate sealed up inside a lantern, the Gods soon took the goddess of deception and sealed her away inside Mount Olympus so Apate couldn't escape again.

Isabella is a beautiful young girl who has black hair and Hazel eyes. She has a curved body and fair white skin, which she got from her father's side of the family.

PERSONALITY: Isabella is a playful yet elegant person who enjoys challenges and can be very competitive in times

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Isabella is a playful yet elegant person who enjoys challenges and can be very competitive in times. She is funny and loves to prank or tease others, as well as think or scheme against other people. Isabella is also hyperactive at times and can get too anxious or excited for an upcoming duel. She loves to go outside and be active, or enjoy the environment.


Prescence Concealment: C+
Isabella is able to conceal or limit her prescence from others, making it harder to detect her prescence. She is also able to modify her prescence so that she registers as something else instead of a servant, due to her mastery of deception.

Independent Action B+
Isabella's high amount of magical energy allows her to remain in the world longer than most Servants without a Master, at most for 3 days. It is possible for her to take action even without a Master, but when using Noble Phantasms with great magical energy consumption, backup from the Master is necessary.


Illusionism EX
Isabella is a master of illusion, surpassing even the Goddess of Deception herself. A skill that denotes excellence in the art of illusion within the field of Magecraft, a magecraft for the use of beguilement. It refers to interference with the psyche, and the projection of illusions into reality. At this level, the user is able to go beyond beguiling people and even deceive the environment with ease.

Master of Deception A
Isabella, being born and trained in the arts of deception by the goddess Apate herself, is naturally devious and cunning. This ability denotes her skills in tricking others into doing what she wants, allowing her words to have an effect similar to Alluring Nightingale. Furthermore, being a skilled liar herself, Isabella is able to discern between the truth and the lies, allowing her to become resistant to illusions, lies, audio interferences, and etc.

Magecraft B
Isabella has knowledge on several different magecrafts, which she utilizes to deceive others into thinking she is actually a master. She was a powerful sorceress who is able to perform highly complex spells during her life, which was partially the reason why she could outwit her mother Apate. A frequent spell that she uses in the modern time is Flash Air, which she deems as a useful tool for confusing an enemy.

Grand Illusion
Ranking: B+
Classification: Anti Unit (Self)
Maximum Number of Targets: All her illusions
An NP which can be activated continuously. Isabella enhances the power of her illusions, making them seemingly reality. This allows her illusions to actually manifest in the physical world and cause permanent damage. Also reduces the amount of magical energy she expends while casting them.

Isabella, although having vast knowledge in the arts of trickery and deceit, has absolutely no capbilities in martial arts or physical combat. As such, she usually relies on her spells and illusions to divert attention away from her. Isabella prefers to fight from a long range with Magecraft instead of actual combat in the front lines. She always leave a backup plan just in case her enemy attacks her.

Published: 3/5/23

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