Waiting for you

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“Umm son about that……….. we found something” his father hesitatingly spoke stopping forth from his turmoil.

“Our doctor had given him heparin injection just after reaching there & judging by the timing the clot could not be due to accident & the wound on his head was atleast five hours before the accident so there is something we don’t know”.

“Does this mean he was injured before  he came in front of forth’s car” singto, forth’s brother in law interjected.

“Badly injured if I must say” his father said shaking his head.

“But how?” phana, forth’s brother asked, forth was trying to understand everything they were saying but all his mind could understand that his soulmate is inside ICU fighting for his life. Forth's mother saw her son's condition & interrupted,

“Enough, these question are for when the boy gets well for now forth you should be near him, maybe your bond & presence will help him to get well soon” forth nodded & moved to the critical unit, but stopped when his mom called,

“Remember he might not be able to see you but he can hear you so try not to be sad there, it will not do any good” .

Forth hummed & pulled his clothed arm on his face wiping all his tears before entering the room. As soon as he entered the room he regretted it, all he could see was a small bundle of muscle being wrapped in bandages & tubes.

Suddenly the room got colder for him, he could feel his body shivering & before he knew he was crying holding the boy’s feet.

Forth’s cries got out of control that his mom had to drag him out of the room.

After two days forth could muster the courage to go inside the room without breaking into furious sobs. As he was sitting on a stool next to his mate, he could see the bandages & tubes hasn’t reduced but the only hope his heart had was the beeping sound of ECG, which in a way gave him assurance.

With shaky movements forth’s hands reached  the pale ones & gasped as he felt the familiar tingles, he grasped them tightly as if the boy will demolish in any second.

“Please come back…. I have b…..been waiting for you for so long don’t make me wait more” forth completed gulping the heavy lump building in his throat.

Slowly as the time passed the physical cuts present on the boy’s body reduced same with the tubes supporting his life system, the eyes which had forth restless still weren’t open.

During these two months forth’s family has shifted the boy in forth's room which looks more of an hi-tech ICU than someone’s private space to make sure the boy will get every necessary treatment.

Forth made sure to be near his ‘angel’ everytime, he started to sing & read bed time story to his angel.

“Good morning mom, dad & singto” forth greeted everyone as he walked down to the dining hall.

“where is pha?”  he asked.

“He is with the detective, they are on their way to here, hope they’ll get some information” singto said with hopefull eyes as they are trying to find the identity of forth’s angel since last three months but couldn’t get any lead.

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