The Psychiatrist

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Doctors have been called, soon the boy was connected with IV tubes with a suggestion to provide him adequate rest, forth’s parents being doctor assumed that the boy had a mental breakdown, but the question arose that
why now?

After seeing forth, what triggered all of a sudden? this could be answered by a person who right now is sedated.

Forth was shaken to the core from the second he saw hatred in his angel’s eyes, he couldn’t decipher what wrong has he ever did that even after finding his mate he had to go through all this,
the eyes that should have adoration & love for him had hatred instead.

Night came but for forth sleep didn’t came, he eyes couldn’t blink, he was spooked by the boy’s face so dejectedly he went back to the boy’s room alerting the nurse sitting beside the boy.

“Can you leave us for a bit” forth humbly asked to which she obliqued with a slight nod. Forth sat on her seat with his eyes never leaving the boy’s face as if they are asking all the questions but sighed knowing he will not get any answer.

Forth kept his longing gaze on the boy & slowly the peaceful face of boy lulled him to sleep.

Forth felt some movement in his surrounding, his eyes shot open only to see his mate standing in front of him holding a knife, before he could blink the boy pushed the knife in his chest errupting a hiss & shrill scream (of nurse) in the room.

“Die” stab “you bastard” stab “you don’t deserve to live” stab “why did you kill her?” stab “why did you killed my mother” stab “what did she ever did to you” stabbed twice “why?” stab “Why?” before the boy could stab him again pha pulled him away from forth, who was still  sitting there completely soaked in blood & stunned.

Forth’s mother came to forth & started checking his wounds which broke his trance,

“Leave me I’ll kill him, you bastard you’ll die by my hands LEAVE ME” the boy was trying to wiggle out of pha’s hold & in that process the knife in his hand made a large slit on pha’s forearm due to which he loosened the grip & ming ran towards forth but this time forth held his hand & blocked his attack.

“Calm down, whatever it is we can talk, just calm down” forth pleaded but the boy let out a mocking chuckle,

“You are pleading now, what about the time when I was pleading when you had my mum’s head on your gun point” the boy pushed the knife further but before he could intensify his attack nurse injected sedative in his veins, soon his eyes started to fall & he finally leaned on forth’s shoulder while repeating “I will kill you”.

Forth couldn’t help but to smile & wrap his arm around the boy as his heart couldn’t deny the fact that it was first time his angel came in his arms sort off willingly, but the smile dropped when he saw all his family member standing with shocked faces.

The boy was tugged in his bed & the whole family was present at the living room where singto & the nurse was treating pha & forth’s wounds in dead silence, no one had the courage to speak anything but even in the silence they agreed on one thing.

“Today” forth’s father cleared his throat & broke the silence “Whatever happened today was unfortunate, we must do something about it”.

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