Give Me Your Hand

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Third person POV

Five months has passed no one in the jathurapoom family has slept peacefully, well how could they when their son & brother is behind the thick walls of prison & especially not when his left breaths were counting day by day.

They were trying all possible ways not only to terminate his death sentence & also to get him free but nothing seems to work after forth’s so called confession.

Phana has tried every way to get forth agree to change his mind but he also didn’t had any luck. With everyday passing the anxiety & fear for forth & hatred for ming is increasing in them, especially in pha & his mother.

While the said boy has finally got some peace in his life, he was taken ‘home’ by Mrs. Konganithan. In this home there stayed around 25 people, who according to mrs. konganithan are like him.

They are basically the people who had once suffered some mental condition & their family has left them to die on their own. And now when they are recovered they have nowhere to go, just like him.

Among them most of were old people & children. And there was ‘samantha’ his first friend, she has lost her mate which took a toll on her mental health but now she is okay so ming’s all the time passes taking care of her & her new born.

Apart from his haunting nightmares he was leading a peaceful life until one day,

“Ming, someone is here to meet you” mrs. konganithan called ming, who was busy with his friend.

She held his hand & took him to her office situated in the back of the home, & signalled ming to go in. but before he could go in she stopped her by holding his arm,

“Remember ming, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want” her alarmed words confused him, but none the less he went in,

A man was standing in front of him with his back facing him, not being able to see the visitor’s face he decided to call for them as the person was busy in something.

“Umm excuse me? You wanted to meet me?” the boy turned around & ming saw the face he was least expecting,

“Phi singto” the latter gave him a tight lipped smile.

“Hello ming, can we please talk” he pleaded, to which he wanted to answer optimistically but he somehow didn’t had the feeling to do so, he turned back & was about to retrace his steps but a warm hand held his palm,

“Please ming, I know you don’t want to talk but please for once listen to me, maybe we can save an innocent if”

“He might be innocent for you phi, but please don’t expect any help from me in anything” ming tried to shrug the grip off as his eyes suddenly started burning, long dried tears were threatening to fall.

“He is innocent ming, please trust me. Or else you tell me if he had done that then why would he himself confess to the court you know a criminal will never do that, he is not a monster ming” singto reasoned emphasizing the fact, but what he didn’t knew is that the same question is also troubling ming & giving him sleepless nights.

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