ch1 confidence and shyness

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Daniel:hi my name is Daniel and I'm a black wolf mobian and even though I'm a bit shy I'm gonna tell a story that starts after I left my home town

No pov
Daniel just got to mobius and a new home and got settled in.the next day he got out of bed did his morning routine and left to go to school on the way there a couple of mobians jumped Daniel while this was happening a blue hedgehog and a yellow two tailed fox were on there way to school when they noticed a wolf being bullied

Fox:sonic we gotta help him

Sonic:your right tails I'll handle the bullies while
you help him


Daniel's pov
I was on the ground trying to protect myself from these guys when a blue blur zipped passed then a hand was next to me

Tails:hey you ok let me help you

I took his hand and got up when this hedgehog came up to us

Sonic:hey everything's cool you alright

Daniel:uh huh thanks

Tails:no need to be nervous I'm miles prower but everyone calls me tails

Sonic:and I'm sonic what's your name bud

Daniel:I'm Daniel(looking down)

Sonic:Are you heading to school?

Daniel:yeah it's my first day and first time in town

Tails:have any friends yet

Shakes head no

Tails:we'll be your friends right sonic

Sonic:you bet what do you say

He led his fist out to me and I jumped

Tails:it's a fist bump we really want to be friends

I Accepted with a smile

Daniel:thanks for the help and I'm glad to meet you

No pov
As the three head to school Daniel now wonders if to stay shy or build confidence to open up to his new friends since he never really had any

Sonic:so Daniel where are you from

Daniel:oh umm I'm from knoxville

Tails:wow you traveled that far to get here why

Daniel:just some past drama and some bullies here and there

Sonic:ouch that sucks

Tails bumps his side to shut him up while placing a hand on Daniel's shoulder to cheer him up and he smiled a little

Daniel's pov
At school Sonic went to class while Tails showed me around and I found my locker and classes when the bell rang for lunch I put my books in my locker and grabbed my lunch and headed for the cafeteria but when I got there I didn't know where to sit

Tails:hey sonic is that Daniel

Sonic:yeah hey buddy over here

I smiled and went to them when I got tripped and fell,sonic and tails came over to me helped me up and we headed to there table

Tails:you ok Daniel?

Daniel:yeah thanks(with a weak smile)

Sonic:has that happen all day

I shook my head no but they somehow knew I was lying

??:hey guys who's this

Sonic:oh hey Amy this is Daniel, Daniel this is my girlfriend Amy

Daniel:nice to meet you

Amy:is this your first day

Daniel:yeah but you three seem to be the only nice ones so far

Tails:give it time everything will be ok

I nodded as the bell rang for class
At the end of day I headed for home but on the way it felt as though someone was following me

Book 1 Welcome To Mobius Where stories live. Discover now