Chapter - 68

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Recap: Lilly being enquired by the NIA for the second time.


Anika was going through the files Ishwar had given to sketch the design of the mansion he had asked for. Anika turned to Ishwar and sensing her gaze he turned to her and cocked his eye brows.

Ani: Mama, why does he want to build such a huge mansion in first place ?

Ish: He love his wife very much and want something magnificient to express his love. This should not be any less or ordinary building. 

Ani: Don't you think we should meet him to know his expectations in this ?

Ish: Not necessary. Now tell me what comes to your mind on hearing Taj Mahal ?

Ani: Shah Jahan's love for his wife Mumtaz what else ...

Ish: Good, if you happened to build a castle for me out of love what would it look ? Imagine atleast 10 generation of us would live there so plan it accordingly. How would you like the rooms for our children when they are young and how do you want them when they are grown and married and plan some rooms for grand children...

Ani: Wow, I have a lot of work to do..

Ish: Close your eyes and run a virtual image of whatever I said to you then you will be able to do it.

Ani: Ok, but will the client be happy because my design will be out of love for you.

Ish: Love is love and if the design is purely out of love then anyone will love it. So don't get that in your mind and just do your work and get the best of it.

Anika smiled nodding her head and continued working on the analysis. Jerry entered the room and showed the newspaper to Ishwar who smiled looking at it.

Ani: what is that you both are smiling at ?

Ishwar gave the paper to her and Anika saw Ishwar in admiration.

Ani: " The business tycoon Ishwar Vincent to sponsor the education of children of the farmers through his Educational Trust. Applications are invited for the academic. He is set to build colleges to benefit the children of the poor and also he has announced the start of constructing schools in villages to ensure the compulsory education of all children over there " Woww you run a educational trust is it ?

Jer: Boss is running the trust since the year he started making profits in business all these years it was not known publicly and we did through NGOs but this year he planned to help the farmer's children so we had to annouce it publicly. Not only this he also has a trust to help the people in needs. He has contributed so much everytime there was a natural calamity.

Ani: My god, such a great human you are mama...I love you more for this...and I m very proud.

Ish: We make profits and have some responsibility to the society so its not a big thing to help people around us and I hope we could help more people in needs in the coming years.

Ani: Yes, I wish I knew about you and could have used your trust for mine and Nancy's education. Granny struggled hard for our education. She told us that my father sent money but I highly doubt that. Sometimes I even wonder if my father is alive.

Ish: means???? ...

Ani: Granny said he went abroad to earn money but I never saw him after my mothers death. If he had loved me even for a bit then he must have come to me atleast once in all these years. Either he hates me and did not want to meet me or he must not be alive.

Ish: What if he really loved you but his situation was not in his favour ? No father will hate their children Anika.

Ani: Yes, the great love that stopped him from meeting his daughter. Anyway I really dont get his thoughts and unfortunately I got today. I don't want to talk any further so lets get back to work.

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