Chapter 8: Plan

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I blinked excessively while moaning as the bright sunlight blinded my vision. Not particularly thinking of anything, a clear voice penetrated the calm serene.

I immediately recognized the arrogant voice.

" Boy you sure do sleep like a pig." Sehun snickered, flopping down beside me on the bed.

I could feel my face flush red like a tomato as he brushed away the hair in my face.

" W-.. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?" I cried out, realizing the situation and immediately shifting away from him.

His liquid brown eyes hardened as he answered smoothly, "If it weren't for me, you'd still be a rag doll on the floor."


Suddenly, last night's memories flooded back into my mindset. Remembering the trauma, I widened my eyes, embarrassed.

"Just take it easy for now.." Sehun said, petting me on the head.

" I-It's not what you think it is! I cried out defensively. "I-I fell because um... Jetlag.!! I was kind of tired but I was too embarrassed to tell you guys!" I ducked my head, blushing again as I slaughtered the lie. It's true I was a bit under well rested, but nothing extreme that would cause me to pass out.

"Yeah, yeah." Sehun smirked once again, as if he knew something I didn't, "Let's go eat up. D.O's probably done with breakfast and eaten by himself now."

" Kyungsoo's HERE?" I gasped. So he had seen in me in that situation as well. It's even harder to lie to him. What am I going to tell him?!

"It's okay. I told him not to bug you about it." Sehun said, helping me from the bed. I still had my clothes on from last night which were unfashionably wrinkled and not to mention, uncomfortable.

I looked up at him gratefully. "Oh!.. thanks." I said, unable to say anything intelligent. "But.. um.. I'm going to go get changed first."

"Do you want me to help?" Sehun asked sweetly, a sneaky grin on his face.

"UGH?! WHAT. NO." I exclaimed, shoving him out of the room, completely forgetting about his display of kindness.

Sehun's body easily defended the door from closing as he cried, "Technically you're still are a patient you know!"

I rammed my body against it to prevent the byuntae "pervert" from coming in once again.

* * *

I scurried to the kitchen after washing up.

D.O was patiently sitting at the dining table, twiddling his thumbs. His face was locked into that signature wide-eyed, concerned yet innocent look; with that I look, I would do anything for him if he asked.

"Kyungsoo.." I mumbled. "Thank you.. For coming for me yesterday.. I'm really glad you decided to come by."

I was still amazed at the fact that D.O had come by at the exact time I was in trouble. It's like that.. It used to be like that when we were children. He always appeared by my side if I was in trouble or scared or wanted to kick someone in the face. I always took that for granted, but looking back, I really do owe him my life. I was still especially glad I didn't wake up alone.. in the dark, cold hall. I shuddered as memories of the incident traversed across my mind.

"Yeah.. No problem.." He stared down at the cup of coffee he was holding.

Awkwardness surrounded us as we both debated on what to say and what not to.

Just then, Oh Sehun barged into the kitchen. "Where's the food? I'm starving!"

D.O looked wearily at Sehun before answering, "it's on the counter." He said, pointing to two bowls. "It's noodle soup."

"Wow." I commented, honestly surprised. I didn't know D.O would be much of the cooking type.

The boy looked away awkwardly with a hint of smile tugging on the corner of his mouth. "Yeah.. I started to cook more over these years."

Sehun did a double take between the two of us. He grabbed the two bowls hastily, much to D.O's distaste and set them loudly on the table. He coughed once to interrupt.

"Ahem.. I know that you're okay and everything Saeyoon, but I need to ask you, why wasn't there someone other than you in the house?.. "

I looked down at my lap, twisting strands of my hair.
"I.. don't know why."

Sehun and Kyungsoo exchanged mutual looks of bewilderment.

"...Wait, wasn't your grandmother supposed to be here?" Asked D.O.

"Yeah.. that's the thing I don't know. No one left me any messages or anything.." I mumbled.

Their faces scrunched up, both confused. Sehun's brow eventually smoothed out as he said,
"...We could ask those those country bumpkin ladies I met yesterday! I think they're the housewives of those fish vendor owners. I'm pretty sure they know what goes on in this.. town."

I grimaced in distaste at the term country bumpkins, but also marvelled in wonder how I didn't manage to come up with that.

"That's not a very polite way to describe people." D.O pointed out, annoyed. "But I guess it's true. I know some women here who probably know more about my own family than I do myself. We should go ask the Byun family."

I exchanged mutual looks of agreement, feeling a lot more relieved with these two at my aid.


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