Chapter 9: The Byuns

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" HYUUUUNG!!!! " Byun Baekhyun ran towards my direction and attacked me full on.

"Oof.." I complained, observing Saeyoon's bemused expression and Sehun's unappreciative side glance at the boy.

It had been around 2 months or so since the last time I'd seen him. His air was shaggy, long due for a cut, but his eyes glowed despite being half covered.

" It's been soooo long! " Baekhyun said happily. " Oi. " He turned and stared at Saeyoon with speculating eyes. " So this is your- "

" AHHHH I'M THIRSTY!!!" I cried out, knocking Baekhyun on the head. " YOu. Don't say anything like that to Saeyoon. Got it? " I hissed into his ear.

"Ehehe.. Got it." Baekhyun said, putting his hands up sheepishly. " So. Who's he?" Baekhyun asked, narrowing his eyes at Oh Sehun.

" Oh Sehun. Son of the chairman of Oh Enterprise. It's a pleasure to meet you." Sehun answered smoothly. " Unfortunately we don't have the time for chit-chat here," He eyed me and Baekhyun, " If it's alright with you, we would like to speak with your mother."

" He's a smooth talker, " Baekhyun whispered in my ear. " Shut up" I muttered, but he had already continued on. " MOM!! Kyungsoo's here with that girl and a smooth-talking kid who says he wants to speak with you!"

" Yes, yes dear. " Mrs. Byun came out, hastily wiping her hands on her apron before settling her eyes onto us.  "Oh~ Why, if it isn't our Kyungsoo!.. Omo. The handsome young man and the beautiful young lady are here too." She said, praising Saeyoon and Sehun's good looks. " Come on in children! "

We followed Mrs. Byun into the living room area, taking a seat on the sofa. " So what can I do for you kids? " She asked merrily.

" I'm terribly sorry for interrupting your day, but we would like to ask you if you know the whereabouts of Madame Choi Yongran? " Saeyoon said hesitantly.

" Madame Choi? " Mrs. Byun's expression turned solemn as she answered, " apparently she was rushed to the emergency room after a sudden heart attack.. It's really unfortunate... "

Shock in-penetrated my mind but I quickly switched my attention to Saeyoon. Her face had turned papery pale.

" w-which hospital is she residing in currently?!" Saeyoon asked with a frenzied look in her eyes.

I drew out my hand to calm her but snapped back.

" She's currently at Seoul Hospital.. But... why are you kids so concerned? "

" I'm... I'm Madame Choi's granddaughter, Seong Saeyoon. I was supposed to be greeted by Madame Choi when I arrived at the house.. But she wasn't there. " Saeyoon trailed off.

" Whao! That must've been scary being alone in that big house! " Baekhyun said.

" Heh.. It was a little.. But Sehun and Kyungsoo came to my rescue so I'm thankful for than. " Saeyoon answered, tucking her hair behind her ear.

" WHA- SO HYUNG YOU STAYED OVER AT A- " I cut him off with a glare.

Mrs. Byun spoke up, surprised. " Ahh! That explains your beauty-" Saeyoon smiled a little in thanks. "- I'm so sorry! You must've been so worried! What with no notice or explanation from anyone! Madame doesn't like any special care. She's always going on how there are people without rice in their stomachs and how she can take care of herself!.." Mrs. Byun shook her head a little regretfully.

" Um, uh, we must get going now!" Saeyoon said in reply to Sehun nudging her. " Thank you very much for the information! " she bowed to Mrs. Byun and looked to me.

" Yes, we must get going.." I bowed to Mrs. Byun and nodded to Baekhyun.

Mrs. Byun nodded, wistfully. " Yes, you children should. Next time lets sit down and have a nice chat! "

" WAIT TELL ME ALL ABOUT IT NEXT TIME! " Baekhyun shouted last minute as we left the house, I glared at him again, receiving a cheap sorry!

* * *

We decided not to do any idling, as Saeyoon was in a frantic mode. I called my parents and explained the situation to them. As expected, they were shocked and decided to let us go straight away. Sehun had already organized everything else. I finished my call in time to see a sleek car parked in place.

" ... Hurry up! " Sehun cried out impatiently, rolling down his window.

That brat.. I'm trying to ensure our safety. Whatever, we have bigger problems right now..

I climbed into the car, sliding in next to Saeyoon. Saeyoon smiled warmly at me.

"Thank you for coming with me.. Even though you have other things to do."

"Ah it's nothing." I replied, bashful. This drive's going to be pretty good! Even though I'm in the car with brat Oh, there's a divider between the front and back seats so..

* * *

Suddenly, the car screeched to a stop, ten minutes into the ride. The door of the car opened and Sehun's annoyed face came into view.

" I'm sitting here. " he demanded, nodding at me.

" Wha- but I'm already sitting here. " I said, annoyed.

" Well this is my car, I- "

" Stop it you two! " Saeyoon interrupted exhaustedly. " Sehun if you want to sit in the back, I'll go to the front, okay? ...I think this will be a good opportunity for you two to talk over your problems."

"Hey! Wait Saeyoon!.." Sehun started, but Saeyoon had already gotten up and slammed the door of the front seat.

" Good job. " I muttered. I was really pissed off, way to blow it Sehunie. I have to spend one hour with this pabo.

Sehun slumped down in his seat, crossing his arms and closing his eyes. " Don't talk to me. "

" I'm fine with that. " I replied.

Why can't this drive go by faster?! But then again.. I'm stuck with him for another 2 hours on the plane..

* * *

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