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Author's Note:
Hello there people of the world~~ lol. Nice meeting you all here^^ this is my first fanfic.. So I'm not sure how everyone's going to like it haha. Well, you decide to read this, thanks a lotttt! And my grammar is not top-notch.. Not very good.😅 but if you spot a BIG grammar mistake, please point it out, kamsa~~ I will be updating very slowly... So beware! Thanks so much again.
p.s I'm covering all the main character's point of view, first person.^^ you'll know whose who by looking at the name at the beginning of the chap.
Copyright © 2014 by @lukyungkkham


" Did you hear?! A beautiful, city girl has come to town! "

" Oh that seems mysterious. Why would a city girl deside to reside here? "

My ears perked, at the mention of the name 'Saeyoon.'

She...She's back! She's really back!.. I thought excitedly, leaping over tree roots and puddles. I'd been waiting for this moment for 10 years.

I'll finally get to see that girl's smiling face, the way she lightened my heart when she laughed...

We made a promise 10 years ago... 10 years ago, before she moved to the city of Seoul, we promised we would meet back here again. By the flowing water, near the mountains, where the birds sing.

10 years have gone by and I still wait for this day. Arriving at the exact spot we made the promise, my breath caught. A girl with long, fair hair stood on the rocks, looking into a little steam.

" Sae- "

" Kyungsoo... " Saeyoon spoke.

She looked exactly as I imagined she would. Twinkling eyes, a gentle aura and.... there was something missing. The girl looked as if a part of her heart had been ripped out of her chest... The life in her seemed dull and meaningless...

" Saeyoon... What, what happened to you?

" Huh? What do you mean what happened to me? Aren't you happy to see me?! " She asked, life suddenly springing into her.

" Oh uh, you just seemed... strange for a second. "

" Ahaha, was I? Sorry, I was just thinking. " She laughed, ruffling her hair.

I narrowed my eyes. She only ruffles her hair if she's distressed... What could have happened these past years that I don't know about?

" Anyway, it's good to see you again. " She said, running into my arms.

It caught me so off guard, I started to blush and stammer.

" Y-yeah. Uhm.. Would you like to go get some bubble tea? "

" Would I?! Thanks! You're the best. "

Ahaha. There goes my heart again. Do I have a cold? I questioned myself.

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