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I had never been a leg man but fuck if I didn't want to have these legs wrapped around me. Waist, shoulder, neck, it didn't matter. As long as I was in between them nothing mattered.

As soon as Ethan left with his shiny stress ball in hand, I looked up at Evelyn while my fingers traced the expanse of her smooth leg. Her face had gone rosy red and her eyes were hooded with desire.

Desire for me.

It was enough to get my heartbeats racing and blood rushing down south. I looked at her leg again, my hand unconsciously squeezing her calf as I imagined myself spreading these perfect legs apart and burying my face in between them while her gloriously thick thighs held me in a deadlock. Fuck.

This was bad. This was very bad. With great difficulty, I shifted my gaze from her leg to her face only to lose my breath. Evelyn was staring down at me, her mouth slightly ajar and her breaths coming out in pants. My eyes zeroed in on her plush lips that looked extremely inviting from the way she had been running her tongue over them and my mind spiraled into a completely different fantasy. Fuck!

Would it be so bad if I tried to kiss her? Yes. Did I still want to kiss her? Hell yes.

The real question was would she let me kiss her? Something about the way she was looking at me told me that she would. Hell, at this point it could go way, way beyond just a simple kiss but what about after it? I didn't want to tangle the already messy knots of my relationship with Evelyn. Not after the project where we had to be in each other's vicinity constantly.

But fuck it was tempting. So damn tempting to forget that if the both of us weren't under this haze driven by lust, we would be biting each other's heads off. And I would most probably get a slap to my face.

"Rosy," I called, my voice thick and gravelly.

Her phone started ringing, the sound echoing in the empty room and breaking whatever spell that had been cast on us. She looked away, pulling her phone out of her pocket and pressing it to her ear.

"Hello," she said, her voice breathy and huskier than usual. "Yeah. Yeah, I got the camera. I'm leaving right now."

Sensing that whatever that was going on between us was over, I stood up as well and took a step back to create some distance between us. "Um... I need to leave."

Evelyn didn't meet my gaze as she practically sprinted to the door, running out in record time. The door shut behind her with a loud bang, snapping me back to reality. I heaved a sigh and ran a hand through my hair a couple of times before shrugging my shirt back on and leaving as well.

When I rounded the corner, I was surprised to see Evelyn a few steps ahead of me. I'd thought she would have bolted out of here like the building was on fire. At least that's what it had looked like when she left the locker room. But there she was.

I halted in my steps, waiting to see what she would do. After the incident in the locker room, I didn't want to increase the awkwardness between us by walking up to her. Lord knows we won't be looking into each other's eyes for at least a few days.

I watched Evelyn square her shoulders and take a deep breath before walking out into the lobby. My gaze followed her as she joined Veena who was standing at the center of the lobby, looking around. The thought of sneaking away while they were busy chatting crossed my mind. I could easily walk along the wall, avoid looking at them, and hope they won't notice.

Yeah, right. Like they wouldn't notice a 6'4 dude trying to stick to the wall like a ninja. My subconscious taunted me.

But all those thoughts flew out the window when I saw a familiar blonde head with them. What the fuck was he doing here?

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