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28| Evelyn

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A sheen of sweat covered my body while my breath came out in short pants. My hair was sticking to the front of my face but I was too spent to lift my arms and push them away.

Atlas kissed a trail up my spine, his hands following after as he gently massaged my back and shoulders. "You okay?" he asked as he swept my hair out of my face.

I smiled at him. "I'm amazing."

A deep chuckle rumbled from his chest, the vibrations skittering on my spine. He pressed a kiss to the crook of my neck. "That you are."

He continued kissing my neck, shoulders, and back, running his hands across my body in soothing motions. Letting out a content sigh, I shut my eyes and focused on his gentle caresses.

When Atlas had shown up at my doorstep, I hadn't expected him to kiss the living daylights out of me as soon as I opened the door. Nor had I expected us to land on my bedsheets naked a few minutes later. Or for him to flip me over and absolutely rail me from behind.

Not that I was complaining. If I had known Atlas fucked so thoroughly when he was riled up, I would have done something about it sooner. Pushed his buttons until he would snap and fuck me like he meant it.

But, as much as I'd liked it, something was off.

Atlas was quiet throughout. A little too quiet. Which was so unlike the Atlas who liked to talk and praise during sex. It was unsettling. As if he was—

"Your ass could have a separate fandom of its own."

I choked out a snort. This was more like the man I was used to having in my bed.

"What?" I tried to turn around to face him but Atlas pressed on my back, keeping me on my stomach.

"It's so round and soft. Absolutely smackable," he said and lightly smacked my ass to prove his point.

My skin stung and I bit my lip to not hiss in pain. It wasn't the first smack I'd received today and the previous ones weren't as light. I could have avoided those though. If only I hadn't been a brat. But it was just too much fun to toy with him instead of shutting my mouth.

"Smackable?" I snorted again, this time turning around to face him. "Is that even a word?"

He shrugged. "Could be. I didn't check the dictionary. But that's beside the point. I'm trying to profess my love for your ass here."

Atlas tried to flip me again, tickling me in the process and I burst into a fit of giggles.

"Are you high?" I asked in between laughs.

Atlas grinned and bumped my nose with his. "On you? Always," he said, blowing a raspberry on my cheek.

Squealing, I pushed his head away. "Ugh! Tame down your cheesiness, captain. You're going to make me barf."

True to his brand, Atlas ignored most of what I said and fixated only on what he wanted to hear. "I love it when you call me captain," he said.

"Of course you do," I said, giving him a coy smile while tracing circles on his chest. "Gets you all hot and bothered, doesn't it?"

Atlas hummed instead of giving me a response. He trailed his hand up my side until he was cupping my breast, his thumb caressing the skin. "But I have a feeling you would prefer to say the terms daddy or sir, wouldn't you?"

Heat pricked my skin and I felt my face flush. A slow smirk formed on his lips and he leaned down to kiss me. He brushed his lips with mine, kissing me hard enough to leave me panting for breath.

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