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15| Evelyn

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The way Atlas was looking at me made something snap within me and the next moment I found myself standing on my tip toes and crashing my lips against his. Atlas stilled as I wrapped my arms around his neck for support while my lips latched onto his, kissing him hungrily. I let the frustrations of the past two weeks take over, making my conscience take a back seat.

When he still didn't make a move to reciprocate, I pulled back with a groan. "Kiss me dammit!"

That seemed to work as in the next moment, I was pushed against the wall and kissed like there was no tomorrow. Atlas nipped at my bottom lip harshly and I gasped at the sudden pain. He took the opportunity to slip his tongue in, exploring every corner of my mouth.

I loved the way he kissed. Like he couldn't think about anything else other than absolutely devouring me.

Letting my hands trail up his back, I entangled my fingers in his still-damp locks. He moaned when I tugged at them and a satisfied grin curved on my lips. If there was anything else that I loved other than his kisses was how the tiniest of my actions could get a reaction out of him. Maybe that's why I liked to push his buttons.

Atlas tightened his grip around my waist, pulling me impossibly close while almost lifting me off my feet. He pulled back only for a second, allowing me to breathe while his lips made a hot trail from my mouth to my neck. Letting my eyes fall shut, I relished the soft caresses of his lips. God, I had lost track of the number of times I had imagined his lips on me.

"I dreamed of this every day for the past two weeks," he murmured against my skin. His hand ran up my thigh, pushing my dress up until he was lifting my leg and wrapping it around his waist. I didn't know if it was a good or a bad thing that I wore a dress. Atlas pressed our lower bodies together and my eyes shot open, a gasp leaving my mouth on feeling his hardness. "See what you do to me?"

We stared into each other's eyes for the longest time as if trying to read where all of this was going. And then our lips crashed again, more fervently this time. It was angry, sloppy, and intense. Atlas cupped my neck, his thumb on my jaw as he squeezed it possessively. A loud moan left me and that only riled him up to continue the sweet torture of his mouth.

A loud bang came from outside the room as if someone dropped something and we jerked apart, suddenly becoming aware of our surroundings. Atlas cursed lowly but didn't make a move to let go of me. He pressed our foreheads together, breathing in the same breath.

"Continue this somewhere else?" he asked, his tone hopeful.

With my mind muddled from all the kisses and heat pooling low in my abdomen, it didn't even take me a second to nod in agreement. The brightest grin graced his lips and he pecked my lips. "Give me a minute. I'll get dressed."

I nodded and walked to sit on the bench, feeling my legs wobble with every step. God, he had the power to make a mess of me and he didn't need to do a lot for it. When he saw me taking a seat and crossing my legs one over the other, he raised a brow at me.

"What? I have already seen everything there is to see. You don't have to be shy to wear your clothes in front of me," I said, trying to get some of my sass back. I would be damned if I let this man shut me up with just a kiss.

He chuckled, dark and low. "Shy is not a word to describe my state right now but okay. I was trying to be considerate for your sake."

He shrugged and dropped the towel from his waist, showing off his impressive erection that had been haunting me for the past two weeks. My mouth fell open, eyes widening as if I was seeing it for the first time but then I quickly closed it and lifted my gaze to his face only to see that infuriating smirk on his lips.

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