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18| Atlas

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The problem with Evelyn was that she was fucking nice.

And now every freshman on the team was in fucking love with her. Even now as she fluttered all across the living room in those tight jeans that made her ass look like a million bucks and that pretty, lacy, peach top, all of them were ogling her with heart eyes. Fuck them all.

We had won one of our important games and Dylan being Dylan wanted to throw a party to celebrate. And since over the weeks, Evelyn and her team had become a part of our team, they were invited as well. In fact, Dylan had roped Tyler and April into planning the perfect rager. And somehow had gotten Evelyn to play host.

So here she was, helping the lovesick puppies set up a beer pong table in a place where it wouldn't inconvenience others. The funny thing was they all already knew where it should be and yet went to her for help. This wasn't the first party hosted in the hockey house and definitely not the first beer-pong game that needed to be set. They just wanted attention from her like toddlers.

Fucking attention seekers.

And because Evelyn and I were supposed to be on the outs in front of everyone else, I was stuck watching them watch her from the kitchen counter. I almost marched over to them when I saw Holden standing too close to her such that she bumped into him and he had to hold her before she fell.

Of course, Evelyn apologized being the nice person that she was. And Holden had the audacity to keep his hands on her shoulder and give her his charming smile. I knew that smile. I had watched it work on women one too many times that even thinking about it made my blood boil. Maybe I should huddle all the freshmen to the side and have a chat.

But was I allowed to do that? Evelyn was free to like whoever she wanted and we were very clear about it right from the start. I had no right over her and definitely no right to shoo the other guys off but that didn't mean that I didn't want to. Because so help me God I was this close to walking over there, grabbing her neck, and kissing the living daylights out of her just to stake my claim.

It was the most primal instinct I had ever felt towards any woman. Then again, Evelyn was first in many areas when it came to my relationship with women so it didn't surprise me.

My grip on my glass tightened as I watched another one of the toddlers walk over to her with ping-pong balls. They were acting like they had been just introduced to the world of partying and needed instructions with everything. What appalled me more was how Evelyn did not see through this charade.

Or was she enjoying the attention? What if she liked one of them too? It would suck to watch one of those toddlers be all clingy and lovey-dovey with her right in front of my eyes. I hoped that they would never grow the balls to confess to her until I graduated. Maybe I could keep them at bay until then. That sounded reasonable enough.

"Dude you are scaring me. Who are you planning to murder?" Dylan's voice snapped me out of my thoughts and my head whipped to the side to meet his gaze.

How long had he been here?

That wasn't important. So I scowled at him. "What do you want?"

Dylan walked closer and came to stand beside me, unfazed by my glare. He lifted his beer bottle to his lips, taking a sip before pointing in the direction I was previously looking at with the bottle. "Who has earned the wrath of Atlas Griffin this time for you to glare with such intensity? Did something happen that I'm not aware of?" he asked, his eyes almost twinkling.

Dylan was one nosy bastard. Always wanting to know what was going on in everyone's life. He tried to be subtle about it usually but this side of him leaked out from his cool guy facade as soon as he got a little tipsy. I wouldn't be surprised if he had dirt on even the Dean.

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