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38| Evelyn

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The smell of pancakes permeated the penthouse kitchen as I flipped one fluffy cake after another while humming a tune stuck in my head. Despite waking up to the arrival of my monthly nemesis, I was in a surprisingly good mood.

When I checked the drawer to retrieve the box of tampons I had stashed there, I found another box of the same brand stocked. And now I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. I found the gesture really sweet considering I had pushed Atlas away so many times.

My happiness led to a surge in the need to do something for him in return. That's why the sudden plan of making pancakes for breakfast. Whenever Atlas woke up before me he always prepared breakfast for us so it was only fair that I did the same. I was no cook but I prided myself on my ability to make pancakes from scratch.

Thankfully, Atlas kept a fully stocked pantry and I didn't have to search long to get all the ingredients. Popping a strawberry in my mouth, I put another pancake on the growing stack beside me and turned off the stove.

Just as I turned around to grab the plates from the island, I heard the elevator in the foyer ding. I froze at the sound, heading whipping in its direction.

Was that room service? Did Atlas wake up and order something? I glanced in the direction of the bedroom but there was no movement there. If Atlas had woken up he would have come to find me first.

Maybe it was the cleaning staff. But they didn't usually come when we were here.

The sound of heels clicking against the floor followed as the doors shut close. That definitely wasn't the cleaning staff. My heart thumped in sync with every click of the heels. I was about to make a run for the bedroom to wake Atlas up when a blonde woman walked inside the living room.

She halted when she noticed me behind the kitchen island, tilting her head to the side as her blue eyes scrutinized me. Her tall stature and the perfectly curated look were intimidating enough but it was her aura that made me want to cower. She had a presence that screamed power. Something I severely lacked.

"Who could you be?" she asked, her voice sweet but sharp.

I opened my mouth and realized too late that I still had a half-eaten strawberry in my mouth. It tumbled down the marble counter, leaving splashes of red in its wake.

Embarrassment tinted my cheeks as I shut my eyes, cursing myself. Great!

My first instinct was to apologize for my existence but then I realized that she was the stranger here. A stranger who had somehow entered Atlas' high-security penthouse.

So I squared my shoulders and lifted my chin, trying to emulate her. "Evelyn. And you are?"

The woman's eyes lit up with amusement while her red-painted lips tilted up into a smile. "Ah, that Evelyn. I finally get to see you. I'm Iris. Atlas' cousin."

My brain stopped working after hearing her name. She was the sister Atlas always talked about.

Of course, she could enter the penthouse whenever she wanted. It was a miracle she hadn't called security when she saw me standing in their kitchen stuffing my face with strawberries. And then dropping the same on the counter like an animal.

"Oh. Hi," I said, mustering what remaining dignity I had left. "I-I should call Atlas. He's uh...he's sleeping."

I had already rounded the kitchen counter and took a step in the direction of the bedroom when she stopped me.

"No, that's okay. I can—" she paused, her gaze dropping to my body before a smirk formed on her lips. "I guess I have interrupted something. My bad."

She didn't sound apologetic at all. My brows furrowed as I followed her gaze and for the second time, I had the urge to fade into thin air.

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