I can't be everything to everyone I.

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I can't be everything to everyone,
No matter how hard I may try.
I have my own strengths and weaknesses,
And limitations that cannot be denied.

I cannot please everyone all the time,
Nor meet all their expectations and needs.
I need to focus on my own well-being,
And on what truly matters to me.

I must set healthy boundaries and say no,
To protect my own happiness and growth.
I need to prioritize my own goals and dreams,
And not be weighed down by others' woes.

For I am enough just the way I am,
And I need to honor and value myself.
I cannot be everything to everyone,
But I can be true to myself and my wealth.

So let me focus on my own path,
And embrace my own unique gifts.
For I am enough just as I am,
And that is what truly uplifts.

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