Chapter 17

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After Mikey dropped me off at my place, I shooed him away with the excuse that I needed to think by myself. Which wasn't entirely a lie, but I texted Calum to come over.

At this moment, I'm sat cross legged on my couch, a bowl of spaghetti O's in my lap and the tv turned on Rugrats. I giggle at the child's show and hear a knock on my door. "Just a second," I yell, shoveling the rest of my food in my mouth and tossing the bowl in the sink before making my way back to the door and pulling it open. "Hey," I greet the tan boy, letting him into my apartment.

"Are you alright?" he asks, worriedly.

"Yeah, I just need some best friend advice," I smile weakly at him, "I wish Luke could be here too."

He nods, pulling me into a hug, "yeah? What's this about? We could always skype Luke if he isn't busy. Look, I'll text him and see."

I hug the tall boy and smile at his suggestion, "I didn't even think about that! It's just, Mikey and Ash. I don't know, they both asked me to be their girlfriend and I don't know who to choose," I admit, resting my face in my hands.

"Who do you like more?" he asks.

"I don't know," I tell him, "that's why I needed you guys to help me."

Calum looks down at his phone and I watch as he types out a text to Luke.

'Hey, love. Skype if you're not busy? Shay's confused, love you. Xx.'

I furrow my eyebrows at the nickname and the X's but overlook it and wait for his reply.

"I asked him," Calum states, holding his phone up. I nod and sit down on my couch, patting the seat next to me and Calum sits, his phone vibrating as he does. "We can use my phone. He isn't busy."

I nod my head and furrow my eyebrows at the full call history and hour long skypes between my two friends. I don't even have a skype.

Calum presses the call button and soon we see Luke, sitting on a bed cross legged and hugging his penguin plushy we all got him before he left.

"Shay!" he shrieks, causing me to giggle.

"Lukey!" I yell back.

"Cal!" Calum adds, chuckling.

"What's wrong with my Shay?" Luke huffs, scooting a little closer to the camera.

"Boy troubles," Calum sighs dramatically.

"Really though.. Mikey asked me to be his girlfriend today. And Ashton asked me the same thing yesterday," I explain.

"Oh, let's just kill them both and we won't have to worry about it," Luke says with a completely straight face.

"No, you loser we can't just kill people," I laugh, leaning my head on Calum's shoulder. He rubs his hand up and down my arm in a comforting way.

Luke pouts, "fine, do you have a better idea?"

"No," I sigh, "help."

"Okay okay, let's do that score thing! Luke get some paper," Calum instructs. Luke leans off camera but soon sits back up with a notebook and pen. "Okay, make a Mikey and an Ashton column."

Luke writes on the paper then looks up, "got it."

"Okay Shay," Calum looks at me, "who treats you better?"

I shrug, looking down, "I don't know, they both treat me amazing. Neither of them have really done anything to hurt me. But I guess I haven't known Ashton as long, so he hasn't had much time to do anything. But I still don't think either of them would do anything on purpose to hurt me, you know?"

"Okay, you can't justify both of them every time, Luke give them each a point," Calum says, rubbing his hands together. "Uhm, who do you trust more?"

"Michael, of course. He's been my best friend since I moved here and I tell him everything," I tell them, honestly.

Luke writes that down and then asks, "okay, who do you think is cuter?"

"What?" my cheeks heat up, "they're both cute, I can't choose."

"You have to Shay, we're never gonna get anywhere if you don't answer these honestly," Luke says, "So who is it? That curly haired brunette of a hunk with the golden eyes? Or your cutie patootie fire red haired, green eyed, best friend?"

"I don't know, I guess, uhm," I stutter over my words, "Ashton? No, Mikey. No, yeah, Ashton."

"Okay, she said Ashton twice! Write it down before she changes her mind!" Calum laughs, poking my side and making me giggle.

"Okay, okay," Luke starts, "this is the deal breaker question, okay?" he pauses, "who can you see yourself with in the future?"

I furrow my eyebrows, thinking it over, "I'm not really sure. I think, Mikey, because he's been in my life for so long that I wouldn't want to live without him. Yeah, probably Mikey."

"Awweee," Calum coos, pinching my cheek. I swat his hand away and elbow him in the side.

"Stop," I whine, "I hate you Calum."

"That means you love me," he laughs, pulling me to him in a hug. "We're not finished. We have more comparing to do!"


After an hour of questions and feeling embarrassed, Luke showed that Ashton had won by two points, but it was close so they said not to make my choice from that. Which basically means that I got no help from that.

"Guys, I have to go to sleep, I have early classes tomorrow. I hope I helped, Shay. I love you guys. I hope I can come visit soon," Luke smiles sadly at us through the screen.

"Love you too, Lukey," I say quietly, "thank you, I'll text you what happens. Goodnight."

He nods at me, then looks at Calum. "I love you, Luke. I miss you so much."

Luke nods with a sad smile, "I miss you too."

"Goodnight, sweet dreams," Calum smiles.

"Goodnight, guys. Sweet dreams," Luke blows a kiss toward the screen and it goes black.

"Well, got any ideas?" Cal asks, laying back on the couch and pulling me into his chest.

"I don't know, Cal. I still don't want to hurt either of them."

"They won't be mad, they might be hurt at first but if they get mad then they didn't really care in the first place. If they really love you then they'll want you to be happy, no matter who you choose," he explains.

"Yeah, I guess," I tell him.

"Alright, well if you need me you can call, but I need to get home, alright?" he sits up, pressing a friendly kiss to my forehead.

"Okay, be safe, thank you. Love you, Cal." I smile up at him.

"Love you too, Shay, sweet dreams, text me tomorrow, okay?" he says and grabs the blanket from behind me on the couch, throwing it over my body. I nod my head and he make his way out my door.

I lay alone thinking over the questions from today and about each of the boys that I'm making wait for an answer. I haven't talked to Ashton all day and he probably thinks I'm mad at him, I hope he doesn't.

I soon drift to sleep, a pleasant dream of my curly haired boy plays in my mind.



Who should she pick? :3 hehe

Is it weird to have more than one epilogue? Cause I want to >.< oh well if it is, I'll probably do it anyway!

There's only a few chapters left then this whittle bookie is over :(

Who do you guys think I should write about next? I have so many ideas and I'm up for any. I'm also thinking about writing some boyxboy so, leave suggestions for those too? ^-^


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