Chapter 16

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"You ready?" Mikey asks as I pull my door open.

I nod my head with a smile and glance at his outfit. He's wearing a blue flannel over a Nirvana shirt, his skinny jeans tucked into combat boots.

"You look cute," I comment, poking his cheek as I close my door. We climb into his truck before he speaks.

"You always look cute," his cheeky smile and bright eyes cause me to smile, a blush coating my cheeks.

The ride was quick and filled with our singing and laughing.

"Laser tag?" I giggle, looking at my best friend.

He shrugs, "I didn't want to do some overdone date like dinner and a movie," then he adds a little too dramatically, a disgusted face, "gross." I laugh and we climb out of the truck. "Plus, I love to have fun with you, so here we are."

"Amazing," I breath as Mikey holds the door open for me.

"Would it be really weird if I held your hand?" Mikey asks, cheeks tinting pink.

Without answering, I reach for his hand and intertwine our fingers. He lazily rubs his thumb over the back of my hand, causing me to smile and my stomach to fill with butterflies.

"Two, please," Mikey tells the man behind the counter and slides some money to him. The man nods and places a bracelet around both of our wrists and directs us to a door that were supposed to wait at.

There's a small line, a bunch of friends with their competitive smirks and I laugh at Mikey, "opposite teams? I bet I'll beat you."

"Oh do you?" he winks, "whoever wins gets to choose where we go after here. I'm buying either way."

"Deal," I laughs and look toward the door that's opening, a group of teenagers filing out, laughing and talking about what just happened behind the door.

The man holding the door opened counts each person and stops a few after Mikey and I. "Okay," the man says, walking into the room after shutting the door. "Grab a vest and a gun, the colors represent the teams." I grab a blue vest as Mikey grabs a red one. "Is anyone here a newbie? Should I tell you all the rules? No? Alright."

Even if someone hasn't been before, it's not too hard to understand what to do. As we walk into the dark room with bright red and blue lights, fog coming from who knows where, Mikey kisses my forehead, the normal gesture from him causes my stomach to flutter inside and he says a quiet, "good luck," before running off toward his station.

I stand behind the big fort thing with the other people in blue vests, each of us pointing our guns at the screen to load up while the timer counts down. When it gets to zero, the ten people on my side scatter and run like crazy. I hide behind the big black walls, watching as the blue and red colors combine. I laugh when a girl on my team shoots one of the others and she does a happy dance, only to get shot herself.

I look around for a few second and run toward the other sides station and spot Mikey with his back to me. "Freeze, Gordon!" I yell, and he turns ever so slowly. I shoot him and laugh as his vest lights up, "oops."

"I've... been.." he grabs his chest, falling dramatically to his knees, "shot."

His vest lights up again as another person shoots him from the back. I giggle as he grumbles but jumps up and runs behind their wall to recharge.

I squeak as my vest flashes and sprint off toward my own station to reload.

Soon, the lights turn on and we're all lead to the door. Once I've taken my vest off, I wait near the other door for Mikey who comes over, a huge smile on his face, "guess whose team won."

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