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💜 Hi! This story is very important to me as it talks about my own struggles with depression and how 2 incredible people helped me through it told in the form of a fictional story. I hope you enjoy 💜


"Felicity.......Felicity........wake up." I slowly opened my eyes to see dark eyes looking down at me. "Hey." The man grinned, but my eyes couldn't lock onto his face. "Hey, it's Johnny." Johnny? Oh yeah, Johnny. I couldn't move. "Shut the fucking beeping off." I said with a groan. I tried to rub my eyes but my arms felt heavy. "No, no, no. Don't move. Stay still." My eyes finally fixed themselves and I felt the upper part of the bed rising. "Johnny..." I was starting to remember now. "Yeah, Felicity. I'm here." I saw my wrists were wrapped up and my legs were strapped down. "What the hell?" I asked.

"You don't remember anything, do you?" A nurse was walking in. "Miss Gardner, how are you feeling?" She asked. I looked around. "Confused. But...I need to use the bathroom." I said. The nurse unstrapped my legs and I moved them. "You tried to do it...again." Johnny said. I gently slammed my head back on the pillow and sighed. "You can leave whenever you'd like." The nurse said. Johnny practically laid on me to hug me. "You scared the living shit out of me, kid." He said with a kiss on my forehead. "I'm okay. Don't worry." I hugged his neck smelling cigarettes on his collar. He had been chain smoking Marlboros. I can always tell.

"Johnny, I really need to pee." I said to him. He laughed before standing up and I stood up beside him slowly walking to the bathroom. "Huh, no IV this time?" I asked Johnny with a laugh. He didn't laugh, which made me frown. I was trying to make light of the situation. I walked to the bathroom to use it and when I was done Johnny was standing right outside of it. He didn't look happy, he didn't look angry. He looked worried. "I'm okay, Johnny." "Are you? You gave me a heart attack. I broke your door down at your apartment." I took his arm as I felt lightheaded. "I'm ready to go. Where's my clothes?" "You don't want your clothes back, trust me." He said seriously. I sighed. "Okay." I said simply. Johnny took off his leather jacket and slipped it around me. "I'll take you to the car and sign you out." He said. "Can you carry me?" I asked as I felt so lightheaded. "Yeah." He tucked his arm behind my knees and the other one behind my upper back and carried me to his car. "Stay here." I laughed tiredly. "I don't think I'm going anywhere." I told him.

He shut the car door and I sat there thinking. I lived again, but why? I looked down at my wrists and started to remember everything, but I didn't want to remember it. I felt bad for Johnny as this was the second time he saved my life. He was my angel. I'm sure his girlfriend probably wanted him to drop me completely. I closed my eyes for a few seconds before Johnny got behind the wheel next to me. "Johnny...I'm sorry." I said to him. He reached over to put my seat belt on before his own. "I think it's best if we just live together." I didn't argue because he was right. "Okay." I said simply.

While he was driving, Johnny turned the radio up and Van Halen was playing. I turned my head towards him and his face always looked the same when he drove. Like he was content or he was thinking. "I'm feeding you and then I want you to go to bed." He said. "I'm not a child...but okay." I said to him. Johnny lived in Los Angeles, not far from Calabasas. We were just turning onto the road when I saw the house next to his that both of us had been wondering who it belonged to. Johnny was wary of neighbors, especially ones he didn't know.

We pulled into the driveway. "How long have I been out? They're almost done with that house." "Just a few weeks." Johnny replied and he got out of the car to come around. I decided I needed to start doing things on my own and I opened the car door and got out of it. The hardest part was walking. It was like I was drunk or on a boat. Johnny had his hands out and took mine to help me walk and he kicked the door shut. "Just let me hold your arm." I said to him. He gave me his arm and I walked with him inside his house. It was 2 stories, with the entire top floor being his studio for his music and our paintings.

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