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I opened my eyes and Prince wasn't there. Of course...as I expected. I rolled over onto my back feeling gloom and didn't want to get out of bed just yet. To my surprise, Prince was there and he was half dressed. "Good morning." He said in a cheery tone. I sighed and he sat down. "You okay? You were acting weird in your sleep." Prince stroked my back and I covered my body up with my covers. I don't know why, but I started to cry. Prince got stiff but immediately touched my wrist. "Felicity, what's wrong? Did I hurt you?" I shook my head and covered my eyes with my hands and leaned into him. "I fucked up." I said through tears. Prince slid onto the bed some more to hold me with the covers around us. "What do you mean?" He asked me. I was just enjoying being in his arms now because of how soothing it was.

I wrapped my arms around his neck to hug him and he was hugging me, too. "I d-didn't mean to go so fast." His nose nuzzled my ear. "What do you mean, baby?" I sniffled which made him hold me closer. "Us...having sex." "No. It wasn't too fast. We were doing what humans do." He pulled away some to look at me and he stroked my hair some. "This is stupid." I said. "No, it's not stupid. It's just a little new to you. Maybe it was overwhelming." "No, I enjoyed it...a lot." I laughed a little and he laughed too.

I wanted to tell him everything. Just tell him my whole life story, but what would that do? "Did it scare you?" He asked. I shook my head. "None of that scared me. I loved it. I haven't bonded with someone like that...ever. Not even with women." His mouth fell open some but it turned into a smile like he had figured something out. "So it didn't overwhelm you. Sometimes being overwhelmed isn't always a bad thing. It's been a long time since you've been with a man I think I gave every bit of myself to you so fast. It wasn't planned and it wasn't that you weren't ready, it's just that it was a lot so soon." The way he said it didn't sound bad. I did want more of it, and other things. "But not so soon." I said out loud. "Hmm?" He kissed my temple. "I...I want more of you...in the future, but...I want to tell you things. I think I opened up to you the backwards way." He was still holding me just as tight and it was so sweet. "Whatever you want to tell me I'll do my best to help you." Prince said.

I hugged Prince again and he was hugging me too. Johnny and I have never held one another so tight like this. This was intimate in a way I didn't think was possible. I switched positions so I was practically in his lap. "Can I say something?" He asked. I wiped my cheek and nodded watching his lips as he spoke. "Before I moved to Cali, I had just gotten over a bad breakup. It was a marriage actually, but it didn't end in divorce. I've been afraid of any form of affection, and I was afraid to get close to you even thought I was wanting to do badly. When you kissed me, it made me feel those feelings times a thousand and I acted on them." I looked up at his eyes. "I'm sorry." I said to him.

Prince rubbed my back. "Don't be. We're humans doing human things. I'm better now because you're healing me." I smiled and he kissed my cheek. "Can we lay down?" I asked. "Yeah." We laid sideways in my bed and I was holding onto him. I wasn't sure what he was thinking. Maybe he thought I was a nuisance. That's what I felt like. I curled my hand against his chest and closed my eyes not sure if I'd fall asleep. "I'm sorry I messed up your morning mood. It was so cheery and-" "Shh. You didn't." He stroked my hair and I was concentrating on how his first three fingers were caressing my head. I fell asleep.

I was holding Felicity and laying with her. She was broken and I could tell. Someone had hurt her deeply, or maybe it was multiple people. I wasn't completely sure, but I was here for her as I don't think anyone else could be. When I knew she was in a deep sleep I carefully got up and decided the best thing to do was to call Johnny. He hadn't called in a couple of days when he used to call daily. I'd at least try to get ahold of him overseas, and to make it even better I'd even charge his card. I walked to the phone and sat on the floor after dialing his number. I needed him to know what happened, but without the sex.

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