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"Prince! Johnny's coming today! He's bringing his baby!" I called from his living room to his office. I was adding the final touches to his painting so it could be hung up when it dried. Prince left his office and was walking towards me, brushing his hair back.

Living with Prince these last few months has been so peaceful and he's been putting my mind at peace

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Living with Prince these last few months has been so peaceful and he's been putting my mind at peace. Not to mention, he's been working on music while he's been here in LA and has a new album coming out this year. Prince hugged me from behind while I was painting. "You excited to meet Johnny's baby?" He asked. "Yeah. I didn't know she was that pregnant when he told us. I'm just glad he's doing okay and the baby is healthy." Prince kissed my cheek and walked over to the couch to take a seat. I stepped away from the painting. "It's done." I told him. I took my towel to clean my hands and he stood up to walk over to take a look. "What detail did you add in two minutes?" He asked. I smiled and looked into his eyes. "The shine in your eyes."

The painting was one of my favorites. Prince laying on a bed clouds with his shirt open and enjoying the sun bathing his skin. It was more than perfect. "Can't believe it took a few months to get this done." I said. He was staring at it. "It's so beautiful, Felicity. I love it." I turned to kiss him and he was hugging me looking at the painting some more. "You should bring it with you when you go back to Minnesota in the summer." I told him. He hugged me tighter. We were still deciding on if I was going to go with him, and I was, but I was afraid to be afraid from Johnny. Seeing him with his new family would decide.

I pulled away from Prince and picked up the massive canvas to hang it above the couch. "Perfect." He kissed my cheek. "Very perfect." I told him. "What time is Johnny coming?" He asked. "Around 8. We gotta go pick them up from the airport." "I can do that while you make dinner." I laughed. "You'll need a car seat. Iris needs a carry on." I walked to his closet in the living room to get the carry on. "Maybe Johnny has one, but just put this in your trunk just in case." He smiled and took it before walking out to his car. I walked into the kitchen to start making Johnny's chicken tacos.

The phone began to ring. "Damn, he can't figure out how to put it in the car?" I sighed and picked up the phone. "Hello?" "Hi, is this Felicity Gardner?" A man asked. I was confused. "Yes? How did you get this number?" "Your father. I just wanted to ask permission to put one of your canvases in the Lake Charles art gallery." My eyes got wide. "Excuse me?" "Yes." He laughed. "We, we overlooked your work and your father gave us some of your work and we would love to display it. You have a unique taste in art and-" "Yes! Please. I...I want my boyfriend and someone else to come down to see it!" I was so excited my heart was racing. "Perfect! Can you come down next week?"
He asked. "Yes, sir! Absolutely! Um, I need to call my dad!" "No need. He's right here." I heard the phone being handed over.

"Hi, pumpkin." "Dad, no way. No fucking way." I said. He laughed. "I'm so proud of you. I'm glad you came over that day. I've been turning your art in every week and they finally said yes." Happy tears began falling and I was leaning against the fridge. "Dad, thank you." I sobbed happily. "No problem. I gotta go okay? I'll see you next week. I love you, Felicity. I hope this makes up for any wrongs I've done." I sniffled. "It...it helps. I'll let you go. Bye, dad." "Bye, pumpkin." He hung up and I jumped up and down. I couldn't wait for Prince to get home.

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